Bellator 206 Results: Douglas Lima submits Andrey Koreshkov in Round 5
A welterweight bout between former division champions Andrey Koreshkov and Douglas Lima took place on tonight’s Bellator 206 main card from San Jose.

Andrey Koreshkov enters tonight’s contest on a two-fight win streak, his latest being a first-round spinning back-kick knockout victory over Vaso Bakocevic at Bellator 203.
Meanwhile, Douglas Lima lost the Bellator welterweight title in his most recent cage appearance, suffering a unanimous decision loss to Rory MacDonald at Bellator 192.
Round one begins and Lima lands a nice low kick to get things started. Koreshkov presses forward but eats a body kick for his efforts. Andrey circles and then leaps in with a spinning back-kick that lands. Lima responds with a front kick to the body. He goes low with an inside kick. Koreshkov responds with a low kick of his own and then shoots in for a takedown. Douglas Lima is doing a good job of defending early. Koreshkov lifts him up in hopes of slamming him down but Douglas lands right back on his feet. Lima switches the position in the clinch and presses Andrey against the cage. Lima with a pair of nice knees from the position. Koreshkov drops down but cannot secure a takedown. Two minutes to go in the opening round. Koreshkov looks to drag Lima to the floor but Douglas is not having it. He uses a nice whizzer to remain on his feet. Koreshkov with some knees to the thigh of Lima now. The crowd begins to boo even though there is a lot of action going on. Koreshkov utilizes some more knees and mixes in some shoulder strikes from the clinch. Lima finally breaks off the fence but Andrey is relentless and immediately gets him back up against the fence. The horn sounds to end round one.
Round two begins and Douglas Lima quickly takes the center of the cage and reels off a kick to the body of Koreshkov. Andrey eats the shots and leaps in with a left hand that misses. Another good body kick lands for Lima. He is pressing the action now. He lands a nice left hook and Andrey immediately shoots in for a takedown. The fighters briefly clinch against the cage and then Lima lands a nice hand on the break. Koreshkov is looking to find a way inside. Lima continues to keep him at bay with body kicks and low kicks. Douglas Lima with a nice counter right hook. That appeared to get the attention of Andrey Koreshkov. Lima with a hard low kick now and then another. He is battering the legs of Koreshkov here. Lima leaps in with a nice jab to the body of Koreshkov. He follows that up with a left hook. Koreshkov lands finally lands a low kick of his own and then proceeds to push Lima against the cage. Knees from the clinch from Andrey now. Lima is doing what he can to try and get off the fence. He lands a nice knee. Both men with knees now. Just twenty seconds remain. Lima with another knee. He breaks free and Koreshkov just misses hitting him with a spinning roundhouse kick. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Lima quickly fires off a low kick and then follows that up with a hard strike to the body. Koreshkov presses forward and Lima trips and falls back toward the cage. He jumps back to his feet but Andrey is all over him and forces Douglas up against the cage. Lima and Koreshkov exchange knees from the position. Andrey is working hard for a single leg takedown. Lima is doing a good job of defending so far but is eating some big knees for his efforts. The fighters break off the fence and Koreshkov just misses with a spinning back fist attempt. Lima with a body kick and then a nice straight right hand up the middle. Two minutes remain. Lima with another set of kicks, one to the body and one to the thigh of Andrey. Lima with another hard low kick, that forces Koreshkov to switch his stance. Lima swings and misses with a right hand. Andrey shoots in for a takedown but Lima displays an excellent sprawl and takes top position. Koreshkov gets back to his feet but eats a knee from Douglas Lima. Andrey pushes forward in search of a late takedown. Lima once again defends the shot and stays up on his feet. Koreshkov continues to work but the horn sounds to end round three before he can earn a takedown.
Round four begins and Lima starts out quickly with some nice hooks to the body of Andrey. Andrey Koreshkov takes the center of the octagon and Lima accidently hits him with a low kick to the groin area. We break so that Koreshkov can recover. Andrey says he is good to go and we restart. Lima comes forward with a high kicks that is partially blocked. Both men throw left hands and then Adnrey shoots in for a double leg takedown. Once again Lima displays an excellent sprawl and keeps the fight on the feet. Douglas Lima with a nice knee from the clinch. the fighters break and Lima lands a low kick. He follows that up with a right hand that appears to stun Koreshkov. Lima swarms him with punches but the horn sounds to end round four.
Round five begins and Lima starts things off with a front kick to the body of Koreshkov. He follows that up with a hard body kick. Koreshkov circles off the fence and then lands a low kick of his own. Both men miss with uppercut attempts in the pocket. Andrey side steps and avoids a right hand. He circles along the cage as Lima follows with constant pressure. Lima seems to be the fresher fighter. He lands a left hook and then an uppercut. Koreshkov misses with a high kick attempt. He paws with his jab in hopes of keeping Lima at bay. Douglas continues to press and lands a nice combination. Koreshkov decides to shoot in but once again Lima denies the takedown. Douglas takes top position and begins raining down right hands. Andrey tries to scramble and gives up his back. Douglas Lima sinks in a rear-naked choke and this one is all over as Koreshkov refuses to tapout and thus goes to sleep.
Bellator Douglas Lima