Bellator 208 Results: Anatoly Tokov defeats Alexander Shlemenko
A middleweight bout between former Bellator champion Alexander Shlemenko and Anatoly Tokov took place at tonight’s Bellator 208 event.

Shlemenko enters tonight’s contest on a two fight losing skid. Prior to those setbacks, the former Bellator middleweight champion was riding a six fight win streak.
Meanwhile, Anatoly Tokov has gone a perfect 3-0 thus far in his Bellator career.
Round one begins and Shlemenko takes the center of the cage and fires off a kick to the body. Tokov circles along the outside. He attempts a high kick that misses. Shlemenko comes forward and reels off a low kick. Tokov side steps and then leaps in with a left. Shlemenko counters nicely with a right hand. Tokov pressuring now. He fires off a combination. Shlemenko returns fire with a right hand and then a spinning back elbow that partially lands. He pushes Tokov against the cage. Anatoly quickly reverses the position putting Alexander’s back against the fence. Knees from both men. Shlemenko shoots for a takedown and after a scramble we are back in the clinch. Tokov scores a trip takedown. He begins working from full guard. Shlemenko quickly scrambles in an attempt to get back to his feet. He eventually does but is thrown right back down by Tokov. Another scramble and Alexander is back to his feet. Tokov still has him pressed up against the cage. Shlemenko breaks free and fires off another spinning elbow that misses. He comes forward with a combination that backs Anatoly against the cage. Once again Tokov is able to reverse the position and begins landing a few knees on his fellow Russian before the horn sounds to end round one.
Round two begins and this Bellator 208 fight is back under way. Tokov likely got the nod in round one. He quickly presses forward with a body kick. Alexander avoids and then leaps in with a combination. Nothing lands however so he fires off a low kick that accidently connects to the groin area of Tokov. After Anatoly takes a minute to recover, we restart the action. Tokov quickly shoots in and presses Shlemenko up against he fence. He works in some knees before Shlemenko is eventually able to break free. Alexander immediately decides to clinch back up. An odd decision given how things have been going from the position. The fighters exchange strikes along the cage until the horn sounds to end the round.
Round three begins and Shlemenko quickly comes forward with a combination. He likely needs the finish this round if he wants to pull out a victory here at Bellator 208. Alexander continues to march forward but Tokov is countering nicely with a jab and right hook. Shlemenko with a nice body kick. He shoots in and presses Tokov against the cage. He unleashes a left hook and then a straight right but Tokov eats those punches and walks forward. Just under three minutes remain in round three. The fighters briefly clinch, exchange knees, and then break. Tokov fires off a combination. Both men seem happy to stand and trade this round. Shlemenko throws a spinning back elbow but Tokov times it and scores a takedown. He is on the back of Shlemenko now but Alexander is back to his feet. Tokov drags him back to the floor but Shlemenko quickly stands back up. Another takedown now from Tokov and once again he is on the back of Shlemenko. After the two briefly battle for position the horn sounds to spell an end to the fight. This should be a decision win over Tokov.
Bellator 208 Results: Tokov def. Shlemenko via unanimous decision
Alexander Shlemenko Anatoly Tokov Bellator Bellator 208