Scott Coker sends classy message to Rory MacDonald after Bellator exit

By Tom Taylor - December 20, 2019

Earlier this week, news surfaced that former Bellator welterweight champion Rory MacDonald had parted ways with the promotion and signed with the Professional Fighters League (PFL). Shortly thereafter, Bellator President Scott Coker took to Twitter with a classy message to his former fighter.

Rory MacDonald, Scott Coker

See it below:

Thank you to [Rory MacDonald] for the great fights,” Coker wrote. “Best of luck as you continue your MMA career.”

MacDonald was quick to respond to this warm message from Coker.

“Thank you Scott, best of luck to you as well,” he wrote.

While Scott Coker and Rory MacDonald are clearly still on good terms, MacDonald did divulge that he did not feel entirely appreciated by Bellator — part of the reason for his departure from the promotion.

“From when I first signed with Bellator, it seemed like they wanted to use me to be a marquee guy for them,” MacDonald told ESPN, the official broadcast partner of the PFL. “It just seemed like their interest in me kinda died over the years. I’m not sure if their goals changed. I’m not really too sure why it didn’t happen on their end. I haven’t heard too much from them, to be honest.”

While Bellator initially had big plans for MacDonald, a lopsided loss to Gegard Mousasi certainly diminished some of the hype with which he entered the promotion, as did his recent claims that he no longer had any urge to hurt people in the cage.

Whatever the case, MacDonald seems excited for his future in the PFL.

“I’m excited to join the PFL, where every year, the world championship and $1 million belt is there for the best fighter, without any games or politics,” he told ESPN. “I believe in the PFL sport-season format and fighters-first organization.”

What do you think the future holds for Rory MacDonald?

This article first appeared on on 12/20/2019. 


Bellator Professional Fighters League (PFL) Rory MacDonald Scott Coker