Chael Sonnen responds in typical ‘American Gangster’ fashion to his recent USADA test results

By Russell Ess - August 5, 2016

Former UFC title contender Chael Sonnen recently put his name in for testing with USADA to be deemed eligible to fight again, just in case he ever decides to make the choice of getting back to competition.

Chael Sonnen

Following his suspension for testing positive for multiple banned substances, Sonnen said that prior to taking the drug tests with USADA, he wasn’t even sure if he would pass the tests.

Fans have been anticipating the results and asked “The American Gangster” about his status on twitter.

A fan asked, “@ChaelSonnen how did the test results go?”

Chael replied in the most Sonnen was possible, simply tweeting, “Basically clean.”

Will we see Chael Sonnen return to the Octagon any time soon? Sound off in the comment section who you would like to see him matched up against!


Chael Sonnen