Bill Goldberg: Conor McGregor is Like a “Keyboard Warrior”

By Tom Taylor - September 20, 2016

Last month, UFC featherweight champion Conor McGregor made headlines by bashing nearly every member of the WWE roster in one fell swoop.

Conor McGregor

“For the most part, those WWE guys are p*ssies, to be honest,” McGregor said in a conference call in the buildup to UFC 202. “They’re messed up p*ssies, if you ask me. Fair play to Brock [Lesnar], he got in and fought, but at the end of the day he was juiced up to the f*cking eye balls, so how can I respect that? And then what’s the other guy? The other guy [CM Punk] hasn’t fought yet, so I don’t know about him yet.”

McGregor later took to Twitter to clarify that he had no beef with WWE fans, just the athletes on the organization’s roster.

Unsurprisingly, McGregor’s statements didn’t go over well with the pro wrestling world’s top competitors. In the following days, many pro wrestling stars offered up their rebuttals to the Irishman’s outburst.

Brock Lesnar, who famously became UFC heavyweight champion after a long career in the WWE ring, also offered up a response to McGregor’s statement.

“Man, I take sh*ts bigger than that kid,” Lesnar told the Sam Roberts Wrestling Podcast. “Come on. I know you guys all play f*cking video games and live in this false sense of reality, but I’m 290 pounds. This guy is 145 pounds if he’s lucky – if he gets up and eats his Wheaties.”

“If Conor McGregor wants to say some sh*t about me and get his name out there more than he already has by dropping my name, I’ve got f*cking about 10 words for him: ‘Come here face to face Conor, all right?'”

Conor McGregor

Pro wrestling superstar Bill Goldberg also recently offered his thoughts on McGregor’s anti-WWE statements, and assured that Lesnar’s responses to the Irish fighter shouldn’t be taken lightly.

“I can tell you one thing, I was around when Brock responded to Conor and nothing that Brock does is a work,” Goldberg said on a recent episode of Submission Radio. “So the words that came out of his mouth, he fully believes and I do also. And I think that if it wasn’t a work, then it’s a sad situation when you have to talk crap about other organizations that you know your paths are never going to cross competitively. So, at the end of the day, you’re kind of like a keyboard warrior unless you want to step into the guy’s gym or unless you want to do it on TV, you know, meet in the middle.”

“I always thought that was kind of cheap, but hey, you know, [McGregor] doesn’t know what he’s talking about if he actually thinks that. I think that the cross-promotion is brilliant, as long as it doesn’t get hokey for the UFC and as long as WWE can capitalize on the realism of what the UFC brings. It sure enhances Brock’s stock when he walks over to do sports entertainment, I mean, let’s be honest.”

What did you think of McGregor’s recent WWE-bashing? Sound off, PENN nation!



Conor McGregor