UFC Fort Lauderdale Results: Cory Sandhagen defeats John Lineker (Highlights)
A bantamweight bout between perennial division contenders John Lineker and Cory Sandhagen took place at tonight’s UFC Fort Lauderdale event.

Cory Sandhagen enters tonight’s event on a five-fight winning streak, his latest being a submission victory over Mario Bautista.
Meanwhile, John Lineker has won two straight and eight of his past nine overall. In his most recent effort, “Hands of Stone” knocked out Brian Kelleher.
Round one begins and Sandhagen comes forward with a jab. Lineker misses with a low kick and then lands a left hand. He goes to the body with a shot and then lands a right hook. Sandhagen continues to pressure and lands a low kick. Cory just misses with a flying knee. That was mere inches away from connecting. Both men land low kicks. Sandhagen with a left hook to the body. Lineker fires off a flurry. Cory comes forward and lands a low kick. He attempts another flying knee but Lineker avoids and lands a hook. Sandhagen with a ton of pressure but Lineker lands a counter hook that lands flush. Sandhagen is still on his feet but that definitely got his attention. Lineker with a nice combination. Cory replies with a knee and then a low kick. John circles to his left. Cory with a straight right followed by a hook to the body. Lineker is waiting to counter but eats a low kick. Sandhagen with a jab. Lineker lands a low kick. The horn sounds to end round one.
Round two begins and Sandhagen lands a low kick to start. Lineker charges forward with a flurry but Cory avoids and lands a heavy low kick. John Lineker is pressuring more in round two. He goes to the body with a hook them upstairs with a right. Sandhagen side steps and lands a low kick. He paws with his jab and then rips the body with a hook. Lineker with a hard low kick. Sandhagen with a jab. Lineker steps in and fires off some hard shot to the body. Cory Sandhagen shoots in and scores a takedown. Lineker scrambles back to his feet and breaks free from the clinch. Lineker with a good left hand up the middle. He shoots in and scores a takedown. John moves to takes the back and looks to lock in a choke. Sandhagen scrambles and breaks free. Lineker with a big right over the top. He leaps in with an uppercut. Cory with a nice jab in response. He lands a low kick. Both men throw punches to close out round two.
Round three begins and Sandhagen lands a jab to get things started. Lineker with pressure. Cory looks for a takedown. John leaps in with a crazy flurry. He is swinging wild hooks. Nothing is landing flush however. Lineker with a low kick. Sandhagen with a pair of jabs. He lands an elbow from the pocket. Lineker replies with a left hook and then a heavy low kick. Sandhagen fires back with a pair of low kicks of his own. Cory with a side kick. Lineker misses with a Wild left. He leaps in with another flurry. He is chasing Sandhagen now. Lineker needs one these crazy punches to land. Sandhagen with a knee up the middle. Lineker with a good combination. Sandhagen retreats and lands a jab. Under one minute remains. Lineker lands a right hand and then another. He follows that up with a low kick. Lineker with a huge flurry. Cory is rocked. Lineker jumps on a guillotine choke. Sandhagen manages to survive to hear the final horn. Great fight!
👊@JohnLineker w/ the 3rd round blitz#UFCFtLauderdale pic.twitter.com/IFv6vfXvtl
— UFC (@ufc) April 28, 2019
Official UFC Fort Lauderdale Result: Cory Sandhagen def. John Lineker via split-decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)
Cory Sandhagen