Couture responds to Seagal’s no holds barred challenge | MMA News

It was a while back now, that Randy Couture joked that the only way he would come out of retirement is if the UFC were to offer him a fight with Steven Seagal.
Clearly, Seagal didn’t take Randy Couture’s remarks as that of a joking manner, as he told the following to Ariel Helwani of the MMA Hour:
“I always thought that Randy was my friend and a gentleman. I’m kind of confused as to why he would say that,” Seagal said on the show. “All I can say is, I’m here. Anybody can find me anytime and anyplace. If Randy really wants to fight me, he can fight me anytime he wants. It’ll be for free, and it’ll be some place where there are no witnesses.” When asked if this hypothetical match would take place under MMA rules, Seagal told Ariel Helwani, “I don’t play by rules. That’s not how I fight.”
So the folks at MMA.TV decided to give “Captain America” a call to see what type of reaction he would have to the Seagal remarks:
“I’m the one that started the joke as an off-handed comment I made to Jay Glazer — that I’d only come out of retirement if it were to fight Seagal. Obviously now somebody has talked to him about it and it has gotten some legs,” Couture chuckled to MMA.TV over the phone today.
“I’m not surprised that he wants to do it in private, remote location where nobody could see it happen. Obviously I intended it as a joke. I don’t think it would really happen.”
Couture is clearly bemused by the actor’s ominous-sounding statements. Asked if he was intimidated by Seagal’s claim that the fight would be truly no holds barred, Couture neatly replied, “I don’t think that changes the nature of the fight at all.”
So it’s safe to say that Couture is not going to take Seagal up on his battle-to-the-death challenge, then, right? “Hey, it could happen organically I suppose,” Couture ended, simply.
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