Donald ‘Cowboy’ Cerrone Brutally Honest About Jackson Wink Losing Streak

By Justin Golightly - January 6, 2018

If there is one thing Donald ‘Cowboy’ Cerrone is about, it ain’t lying. Whatever Cerrone gives you, whether you like it or not, is the truth as he sees it. He talks like he accepts fights: Immediate. So, when a controversial report that seems to originate in a Bloody Elbow Fanpost about Jackson Wink’s long losing streak, Donald Cerrone was quick to shoot straight about it when he could have understandably condemned the article for poor taste. On the contrary, Cerrone isn’t making any excuses about Jackson Wink’s losing streak, or his own.

Donald Cerrone

“Yeah man, It’s just wild. I mean, sh-t, it’s not a thing that’s the norm. Even since I’ve been there we’ve been a pretty successful squad, but lately we’ve had a bit of trouble. Look at me, I’m f-cking three losses. The first I’ve had ever. It’s bullsh-t, I don’t know what the f-ck is going on. I’m like 174-175-pounds right now. That’s like my walking around weight so 170-pounds is easy. I don’t have to train nearly as hard, but I’m not making any excuses.”

“I want to go back to 155-pounds. My next fight is at 170-pounds of course but I mentioned to the UFC that I want to go back to 155-pounds. They said, ‘We’ll talk about it, see what’s going on after this fight.’ So, I was like alright. But who knows? I’m not making any excuses – saying it’s the weight or it’s this or it’s that – I just had a run of bad luck i guess. I’m getting my ass kicked so we gotta’ figure something out.” — Donald Cerrone on the UFC Unfiltered podcast with Matt Serra and Jim Norton.

Let’s be honest though. For Donald Cerrone, it’s never been about just wins and losses. Sure, it’s great to get your hand raised and everyone of his fans love to see their favorite fighter win, but that’s not why we love Cowboy. WE love Donald Cerrone for things like this and the fact that he’ll fight anyone, anywhere, anytime. He mentioned that his upcoming opponent Yancy Medeiros is riding a three-fight win streak and he’s on a three-fight losing street. Somebody’s record has got to go.



Donald Cowboy Cerrone