Donald ‘Cowboy’ Cerrone says he was given Conor McGregor fight twice and McGregor opted for the ‘easier fight’

By Russell Ess - September 28, 2016

If you’re a fan of the UFC, chances are you enjoy watching “The Notorious” Conor McGregor and Donald “Cowboy” Cerrone perform in the Octagon.

cowboy vs notorious

What do you think about a fight between the two UFC stars?


The fight was apparently on the table for both competitors on two occasions, but according to “Cowboy,” McGregor opted to choose the “easier fight.”

“Someone please just shut this dude up,” Cerrone said of McGregor on the “Norton & Friends” show on Wednesday. “Last night [at the UFC 205 press conference] I was going to get on the horn and start getting after him but I decided not to because you talk about him, people not taking fights, he, two times I had the obligation to fight him and he turned down and took the easier fight.

“When he fought Diaz for the first time, I just fought. So it was Sunday, I was flying home, Dana calls and asked me if I’d like to fight Conor and that was for the Diaz first fight. And, he declined me and took Diaz cause Diaz was in Mexico you know, took the fight on 10 days notice or whatever. But, why would he want to fight me coming off a win? So yeah, my name was in the hat. Conor and his people didn’t pick me.”

UFC 196

“I get annoyed when he wants to talk about he’s the ‘best in the world and I’ll fight anybody’ blah blah blah but when it comes time, like there’s a lot that people don’t know about right. Behind the scenes stuff but I know. I knew he’s like, ‘Yeah, no no no no,’ cause we were trying. And I didn’t even want to negotiate more money. I said, ‘F–k you let’s go. I’ll fight you for whatever.”

“This dude same thing like last night, he’s good at when cameras are on talking sh-t. You get him in the back he don’t say nothing. F–k no, I been in the back many times with him.”

What are your thoughts on a good ol’ scrap between Conor McGregor and Donald Cerrone? Let’s take this one to the comments!


Donald Cowboy Cerrone