MMA veteran Marlon Sandro facing attempted murder charges after attack on fiancée

By Tom Taylor - February 21, 2018

According to a report from MMA Fighting, MMA veteran Marlon Sandro is facing multiple charges after allegedly attacking his fiancée Tayssa Wuensche on the streets of Rio de Janeiro late last year.

Marlon Sandro

During this grisly attack on his fiancée, the former Bellator and Sengoku fighter is said to have badly injured her arm, choked her unconscious, and then continued to punch and kick her when she regained consciousness. Sandro is now facing attempted murder charges for this attack. He could wind up serving 20 years in prison if found guilty of these charges.

Police began looking into this case when Sandro’s attack became public knowledge on social media (thanks to a disturbing Instagram post, seen below).

você que está lendo este post pode achar chocante estar lendo esse post. Pode estar se perguntando como alguém tem a coragem de se expor dessa forma. Se você pensou desse jeito, reflita. a pergunta correta é ” Como alguém pode ter A CORAGEM DE FAZER ISSO COM UM SER HUMANO”. Até quando monstros como @marlon_gladiator sairão impunes de casos de violência como estes em plena praça São Salvador no Rio de Janeiro. Qual o direito que esse monstro acha que tem de espancar a propria namorada ou qualquer outra pessoa? Ė porque aprendeu MMA e é lutador que se acha no direito de resolver tudo na porrada? pois esses não são oa ensinamentos da luta. qual argumento ou fato que justifica isso? Nenhum. Nada nunca justificará agressão. NADA NUNCA JUSTIFICARÁ MEXER COM A INTEGRIDADE SEJA FÍSICA MENTAL OU MORAL DE NENHUM SER HUMANO. que se possa fazer justiça. Tenho a certeza de que seu mentor #dedepederneiras não lhe ensinou que tudo se resolve na porrada. Tay, que você possa sacudir essa poeira, tascar um bom par de saltos e sambar na cara desse sujeito, pois #espancadordemulher nenhum passará por nós! Conte comigo. Compartilhem essa publicação porque esse cara precisa ser preso! #mexeucomumamexeucomtodas #agressoresnaopassarao

A post shared by Lugo, Vivi (@vivslugo) on

Unfortunately, this is not where the trouble ends for the Brazilian fighter. According to MMA Fighting, a second police report, filed earlier this month, details another grim incident in which an intoxicated Sandro broke into Wuensche’s house, threatened her with a knife, and smothered her with a pillow when she cried. Amidst this chaos, Sandro is reported to have threatened to kill Wuensche, blaming her for ruining his career. Luckily, he was ultimately stopped by her mother and brother, who she was able to text during the fracas. 

A court date has not yet been set for Marlon Sandro, but unsurprisingly, he’s been barred from his long-time training camp, Nova Uniao. 

On Tuesday, the fighter released a video on Instagram, claiming he’s unemployed and needs to fight.

“Guys, I came here to ask you a chance to work,” Sandro said in his native Portuguese (translation via Guilherme Cruz of MMA Fighting). “I’m unemployed, I need to work, I need to fight, and I’m asking you all an opportunity. I have no problem leaving the country, traveling, working. I’m resolving my problems in justice.”

”I know I’ve failed, I know I made a mistake, but I think that every human being has the right to redeem himself and try to fix things in life. I know I’m a good citizen. I know I failed, I know I made a mistake, but I know that I have a lot more to fix and get better.”

This article first appeared on on 2/21/2018.


Marlon Sandro