ODDS! Floyd Mayweather Is Massive Favorite Going Into Berto Fight

Here’s a shocker, Floyd Mayweather is a huge favorite over Andre Berto going into their fight on Saturday.
The undefeated boxer claims this will in fact be his final fight and once again he goes into a fight as the favorite. The margin of odds are extreme, which probably have a lot to do with Mayweahter widely being considered as the best boxer in the world and Berto is 3-3 in his last six bouts.
Here are the current odds on Brovada, as of Tuesday, four days before the fight.
Floyd Mayweather -3500
Andre Berto +1200
There is obviously not as much hype around this fight as there was for his fight with Pacquiao, even though it’s apparently going to be his last outing. Yes there probably won’t be anything like that May/Pac fight in the near future. Do you think Mayweather should have just retired after the Pacquiao fight?
Sound off in the comments!
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