Miocic Responds to Overeem’s Tap Claim: The Submission Attempt “Was Terrible”

By Tom Taylor - September 12, 2016

In the main event of UFC 203, UFC heavyweight champion Stipe Miocic clobbered challenger Alistair Overeem for a first-round knockout win – but not before surviving an early knockdown and guillotine choke attempt.

Stipe Miocic

In the moments after Miocic’s victory, the vanquished Overeem – surely still dazed from his knockout loss – told UFC color commentator Joe Rogan that he had felt Miocic tap during the aforementioned guillotine attempt.

“He’s a great athlete, he’s tough, he always comes to fight, but there’s one thing I can say about the fight,” Overeem said. “I believe when I punched him, and he went down, I followed him, I got him in a guillotine choke, and I clearly felt a tap. The ref didn’t see it, the ref didn’t jump in, so the fight continued, but in my opinion, he tapped, and it’s a bummer.”

Unsurprisingly, these claims did not go over well with the victorious Miocic.

“I don’t know how I tapped out, I had two hands on his hands,” Miocic told the media at the UFC 203 post-fight press conference (via Fox Sports). “He’s obviously not feeling too good right now. Honestly [the guillotine attempt] sucked, it was terrible.” 

“He got me in that front headlock, I felt fine. I just kept scooting to my right, he didn’t like it and he gave me the opportunity when he fell on the ground and when I got on top of him, [it was] game over.”

“I didn’t [tap out]. I remember I was in the back signing my check and all that stuff and I heard the boos  [from the crowd] and I asked what they were booing about cause I knew that he was talking and they told me that he said that I tapped out.” 

Miocic finally shut Overeem’s claim down for good, hammering the gavel with this line:

“I don’t remember tapping out. I just remember punching him in the face repeatedly until he was unconscious.”

Do you think Miocic tapped to Overeem’s choke attempt, or did Overeem imagine it? Sound off, PENN nation!


Stipe Miocic