UFC 208 Results: Glover Teixeira defeats Jared Cannonier
A light heavyweight bout between Glover Teixeira and Jared Cannonier took place during tonight’s UFC 208 main card in Brooklyn.

Round one begins and Jared misses with a left to start. Glover presses forward and lands a right hand. Cannonier circles out throws a left. Teixeira responds with a combination and then shoots in and lands a takedown. He begins working from full guard but quickly passes to half guard. Jared scrambles back to the full guard position. Glover lands a left and then passes to half guard. He lands a nice elbow. Glover grabs a hold of his neck and then drops down for a guillotine. It is tight. Jared is able to transition and break free but winds up on the bottom in half guard position. Glover works some left hand from the top. He is working for an arm triangle choke. He lets that go and work some right hands. Glover moves to full mount but Jared quickly scrambles back to half guard. Glover pushes Jared against the fence but Cannonier uses the position to stand up. Jared lands a knee and then an uppercut and Glover wobbles back in retreat. Round one comes to a close.
Round two begins and Cannonier lands a right hand to start. Both fighters throw lefts that miss. Jared lands a crisp jab. Glover quickly shoots in and lands a takedown. He passes to half guard and begins working some elbows. He switches to punches. Jared is able to work his way back to full guard. Glover continues to land punches to the body and head. Jared works his way back to the fence but Glover moves to half guard. The referee steps in and stands the fighters up. Wow. Glover was in half guard there. Jared lands a nice punch. He snaps a left jab. One minute remains in the round. Glover comes forward with a right. Jared replies with a kick to the body. Glover lands a nice right and then a good shot to the body. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Cannonier lands a kick to start things off. Glover shoots in and grabs a hold of a leg and easily scores a takedown. He immediately passes to half guard. Glover lands a hard right hand from the top. Jared responds with an elbow from the bottom that produces a cut on Teixeira. Glover moves to mount. Jared rolls but gives up his back. Cannonier scrambles and is able to get back to half guard. Glover is landing some right hands now. He moves to full mount. 90 seconds remain in the fight. Jared again scrambles to half guard but eats some elbows for his troubles. Glover with some left hands and then once again moves to mount. Jared rolls but gives up his back. Glover stays on him. Jared gets back up to his feet but it is to late as round three comes to an end.
Glover Teixeira Jared Cannonier UFC 208