UFC 208 Results: Dustin Poirier defeats Jim Miller via majority decision
A key lightweight bout between Jim Miller and Dustin Poirier kicked off tonight’s UFC 208 pay-per-view main card in Brooklyn.

Round one begins and Miller comes forward with a jab that misses. Poirier circles and lands a leg kick and then another. Miller closes the distance and lands a hard body shot. He follows that up with a left hook and then a body kick. Poirier circles out and then comes forward with a combo that is blocked. Dustin lands a hard leg kick. He pushes forward with a double jab. Miller respond with a leg kick of his own. Jim tries to go high with a kick but it misses. Miller shoots in for a takedown but Dustin defends the shot. He presses Miller against the cage and lands a knee. Miller breaks free but eats a hard right hand. Miller fires back with a left but Poirier connects with a hard leg kick. The fighters make their way back to the center of the octagon and Dustin fires off a combo. Miller responds with a left. Miller presses forward and lands a combination. Poirier misses with a right and Miller counters with a right hook. Dustin lands a nice left over the top. He circles out and then scores a trip takedown. Miller pops right back up and then takes down Dustin. He immediately takes the back of Poirier and locks in both hooks. Jim is looking for a rear-naked choke. Poirier scrambles and winds up on top. He opts to stand up and both men begin throwing down as round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Miller lands a hard leg kick to start. Poirier returns fire with one of his own. Miller comes forward and lands an uppercut followed by a leg kick. Poirier responds with a left and Miller answers with one of his own. Miller with a counter left followed by a leg kick. Poirier presses forward and lands a hard combination. Miller appears to be rocked. He shoots in for a takedown but Dustin defends. Poirier breaks free and lands another hard right hand. Miller fires back with a left hand. Both fighters are landing now. Poirier connects with a hard left. He lands another. Miller retreats. Two minutes remain in the round. Miller fires off a left and then a body kick. Poirier charges forward and lands a good combination. Miller shoots in and begins working for a takedown. Poirier is defending well while landing some elbows. Dustin switches the position and earns a takedown. Miller is busted up. Poirier opts to stand back up and Miller hits him with a hard leg kick. Poirier with a solid combination. Miller fires back with a hard kick to the body. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Miller lands a left hand while Poirier connects with a leg kick. Jim with a right hand in the pocket. He follows that up with a leg kick. Dustin responds with a left hand. Miller connects with a leg kick that drops Poirier. Dustin appears to be hurt. He is limping now. Miller with another kick and then a right. Dustin fires back with a crisp jab. Miller continues to chop at the right leg of Poirier. Dustin lands a right and then shoots in and scores a takedown. Miller immediately attempts a triangle choke but it is not there. Dustin steps over in to half guard. Jim scrambles and looks to lock in a guillotine. Poirier escapes the hold and works some short shots. Good left hands now from Dustin. Miller is trying to wall-walk and get back up. Poirier moves to takes his back. Miller gets up and presses Dustin against the fence. One minute remains. A good knee scores for Miller. Poirier shoots in and scores another takedown. He needed that. Miller is working for a kimura submission. Poirier is defending well and breaks free of the hold. The horn sounds to end round three.
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Dustin Poirier Jim Miller UFC 208