UFC 210 Results: Katlyn Chookagian defeats Irene Aldana via split-decision (Highlights)
UFC 210 Results: Katlyn Chookagian vs. Irene Aldana

A women’s bantamweight bout between Katlyn Chookagian and Irene Aldana took place on tonight’s UFC 210 fight pass prelims in Buffalo, New York.
Round one begins and Chookagian lands a leg kick to start. She presses forward and throws a kick to the body that misses. Aldan circles out but Katlyn chases after her and lands a straight kick. Both women trade and land nice jabs. A good kick to the body scores for Chookagian. She circles out and then lands a nice front kick as Irene comes in. Aldana continues to press forward and lands a nice combination. Katlyn circles out and then scores with another good kick to the body. Aldana chases after Katlyn but misses with a wild right. Chookagian responds with a solid left jab. She shoots in a for a single leg but it is not there. Aldana circles out and then misses with a left hook. Chookagian comes forward and lands a left kick and then a good punch. She scores with a question mark kick. Katlyn is doing a good job of changing things up here. Aldana is trying to press the action but is eating kicks every time she comes forward. One minute remains in round one. Katlyn scores with another nice combination. Aldana returns fire with a right and then a hard leg kick. Katlyn shoots in and scores with a late takedown. Aldana gets up as round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Chookagian misses with a front kick but then scores with a follow up low kick. Aldana presses forward with a leg kick and then a knee to the body. Katlyn circles out and then lands a front kick to the body of Irene. Aldana with a spinning back fist attempt. Katlyn replies with a nice combination. Aldana scores with an inside leg kick. Both women trade kicks in the center of the octagon. Aldana presses forward but eats a jab for her troubles. Katlyn scores with a low kick. Irene counters with a right hand over the top. The fighters trade low kicks. Katlyn shoots in but cannot secure the clinch. Katlyn fakes a spinning back fist and then lands a left hand. She presses forward and lands a kick to the body. Irene circles away and then comes in with a low kick of her own. Leg kicks from both ladies now. Aldana scores with a right hand. She lands another. Chookagian scores with a hard body kick. She presses forward and then shoots in for a takedown. She cannot secure it. Aldana shakes her off and then lands a jab. Katlyn responds with some nice kick to close out round two.
Scramble between @blondefighter and @irenealdanamma take us into the third round at #UFC210! How are you scoring? pic.twitter.com/9melgQA7N1
— UFC (@ufc) April 8, 2017
Round three begins and Chookagian lands a body kick to start. Aldan fire off a right but then Katlyn lands a beautiful four strike combination. Aldana circles away but Katlyn stays on her. Chookagian with another low kick and then a right hand. Aldana lands a low kick but then eats a right from Katlyn. Chookagian is pouring out a lot of strikes early here. She lands a pair of kicks. Aldana replies with one of her own. Chookagian circles and then lands a pair of hard low kicks. She shoots in for a takedown but it is not there. Katlyn lands a nice knee to the body inside. Aldana breaks free from the clinch and lands a right hand. Two minutes remain. Aldana goes to the body with a kick. Katlyn replies with two low kicks and then a left jab. Aldana is pressing forward but Chookagian is countering very well here. Katlyn with a nice front kick to the body. Aldana paws with her jab and then lands a right. Another good front kick to the body from Chookagian. Aldana replies with a low kick and then a left hook. Both women are firing off low kicks now. They switch to right hands. Good shots from both women to close out round three.
You take one, I'll take one! This fight is CLOSE! #UFC210 pic.twitter.com/7nl66PKUU3
— UFC (@ufc) April 8, 2017
Irene Aldana Katlyn Chookagian UFC 210