UFC 214 Results: Tyron Woodley defeats Demian Maia (Highlights)
A welterweight title fight served as the co-main event of tonight’s UFC 214 fight card in Anaheim as current champ Tyron Woodley took on top contender Demian Maia.

Round one begins and Maia starts off with immediate pressure. He shoots in and tries to secure a takedown. Woodley is able to shake him off. Woodley lands an uppercut. Maia shoots in for another takedown attempt. He grabs a hold of a leg. Woodley is doing a good job of defending. Maia pulls out and we are back to standing. Woodley with a nice right hand. Maia presses forward. Once again he shoots in. Woodley grabs the fence and is able to stay standing. Maia shoots in again. He grabs a foot but Woodley escapes. Tyron with a right hand. Maia presses forward with a left. Woodley circles and takes the center of the octagon. He throws a right hand. Maia avoids. Demian with some pressure now. Woodley explodes forward with a right hand. Maia shoots in for a takedown. He cannot secure the shot. Woodley circles out. He comes in and throws a right hand that misses. Twenty seconds remain. Woodley circles. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Woodley is able to land a nice straight right hand. He follows that up with a good inside leg kick and then a jab to the body. Maia leaps in with a left that lands. A big right hand from Woodley floors Maia. Tyron says to get up. Woodley eats a left from Maia. Woodley presses forward with an uppercut and then a right. Maia’s left eye is almost completely closed now. Woodley with a nice right hand. Maia shoots for a takedown but cannot secure it. Woodley circles out and then paws with his left jab. A left jab scores from T-Wood. Maia presses forward but eats a right hand. He shoots in but Woodley easily shakes him off. Woodley leaps in with a right. Maia is able to block the shot. Another right hand from Woodley misses. He goes to the body with a jab. Woodley circles out to his left. He comes in with a right hand that misses. Maia presses forward now but eats a left jab. Round two comes to an end.
BIG shot by @TWooodley sends Maia to the canvas here in round 2!!! #UFC214 pic.twitter.com/Fraups6FLN
— #UFC214 (@ufc) July 30, 2017
Round three begins and Maia presses forward early with a left hook that misses. Tyron leaps in and Demian shoots for a takedown. It is not there. Woodley circles out. Maia presses forward but eats a right hand. T-Wood with another right. He leaps in with a left. Maia moves to his right and then re-establishes himself. Woodley with a hook to the body. He kicks Maia in the leg. Big right hook lands for Woodley. Maia eats it and presses on. He fires off a left hand. Woodley avoids and then lands another right that sends Maia retreating. Woodley looks for a left but it is not there. He presses forward with a double jab but neither punches connects. A good follow up leg kick scores for Woodley. Maia is still trying to press the action but he just can’t catch up to Woodley. The speed difference is huge. Woodley ducks under a punch and then lands a left. Maia shoots in but Woodley easily stuffs the attempt. Maia regroups and lands a low kick. Woodley circles to his left. Woodley with a nice right hand. The horn sounds to end round three.
Round four begins and Woodley lands a right hand and then a left to the body. Both of Maia’s eyes are closing now. The crowd is restless but Woodley is putting on a masterful performance. Maia shoots in for a takedown but Woodley stuffs it and lands a right hand. Maia presses forward but eats an uppercut. Maia continues to press. He lands a left hand. He shoots in for a single leg but Woodley steps over him and breaks free. Woodley lands a nice left jab. Maia backs up and Woodley charges in with a right hand. Maia circles and then presses forward. Tyron lands a good body shot as Maia is coming in. Demian shoots but Woodley says no to the takedown attempt. Maia paws with a left hand. He lands one good jab. Woodley respond with a left of his own. Under one minute remains. Woodley tags Maia’s with a right hand. He lands another. Maia takes the shots and presses forward. Another right from Woodley but Maia avoids. Demian is doing his best to get inside but just can’t.
Round five begins and Demian Maia gets deep on a double leg takedown attempt. Somehow Woodley is able to just shake him off. His takedown defense has been incredible. Maia shoots in again but it is not there. Woodley comes forward with a straight right hand to the body. He follows that up with a left hook. Maia presses forward. Demian shoots in but eats a right hand. Woodley lets him stand back up. Maia is pressing now. He has three minutes left. Woodley with a left hand but the right behind it misses. Maia leaps in with a left hook. He throws a kick to the body. Demian Maia shoots in for a takedown. He cannot get it. Maia lands a nice left hand. Woodley leaps in with a right. Woodley with another right hand. Maia shoots in but once again the takedown fails to come to fruition. Woodley with a jab to the body. Maia presses in with a left hand.
Demian Maia Tyron Woodley UFC 214