UFC 216 Results: Matt Schnell defeats Marco Beltran via decision
A flyweight scrap between Marco Beltran and Matt Schnell kicked off tonight’s UFC 216 prelims on FS1.

Round one begins and Schnell presses forward with a combination. Beltran throws a kick to the body but Matt moves in and lands a pair of punches. Another body kick from Beltran. Schnell misses with a low kick. Beltran just misses with a front kick to the face attempt. Schnell circles and then come forward with punches. Marco avoids the strikes. Beltran lands a short left hook. Schnell misses with a leg kick. Beltran responds by landing a low kick of his own. Beltran attempts to go high with a kick but it misses the mark. Schnell closes the distance and lands a low kick. He comes forward and lands a right hand over the top. Beltran misses with another high kick attempt. Schnell comes forward with a flurry of punches, some of which find a home. Beltran partially lands a left but Schnell responds with a counter right. Matt with an uppercut inside. The horn sounds to end round one.
Round two begins and Schnell lands a nice inside low kick. Beltran responds with a low kick of his own. Marco misses with a front kick that falls just short of Matt’s face. Beltran moving forward but Schnell is doing a good job of countering. Matt lands another nice low kick, this time on the outside. Beltran fires off a front kick to the thigh. Schnell circles and then comes forward with a right hand that just misses. Beltran takes the center of the octagon. He presses forward with a jab. Schnell responds with a low kick. Beltran with a nice low kick of his own. Schnell catches Marco with a counter left. Both fighters fire off low kicks. Beltran lands another. He pushes forward but eats a counter left hand from Schnell. Matt circles and then leaps in with a right. He grabs a hold of Marco. They break. Schnell fires off a low kick. Beltran misses high. The horn sounds to end round two.
Round three begins and both men trade low kicks to start. Beltran lands a left hand. Schnell responds with a low kick. He presses forward with a combination. Beltran replies with a short left. Matt throws a low kick and the referee steps in as it hit Beltran low. We restart and Marco charges forward. Matt is circling along the fence. Beltran lands a right hand and now a high kick. Another kick from Beltran this time to the front leg of Schnell. Beltran misses with a right hand. Schnell counters with a left hand. Beltran presses forward and lands kick. Both men trade low kicks, Schenll’s being the better strike. Beltran misses with a wild right hand. He presses Matt against the fence and gets a takedown. Schnell locks in a guillotine choke. Marco pulls out. Round three comes to an end.
UFC 216