UFC 218 Results: Felice Herrig defeats Cortney Casey
A key women’s strawweight fight between Cortney Casey and Felice Herrig kicked off tonight’s UFC 218 prelims on FS1.

Round one begins and Herrig comes out quickly. She is trying to close the distance on Casey. Cortney lands a nice combination that ends in a leg kick. Both women seem cool with trading leather early. Casey is countering well early. She lands a nice combination that ends in an overhand right. Herrig paws with her jab. She throws a leg kick that lands. Casey with a right hand but she gets countered beautifully be Herrig. Casey returns fire with a combination that lands. Herrig presses forward and pushes Casey up against the cage. She is able to drag Cortney to the floor and immediately moves to half guard. Casey is doing a good job of defending here. She attempts a kimura and uses the submission to escape and get back up to her feet. Herrig with a jab to the body followed by a low kick. Casey and Herrig trade bombs to end round one.
Round two begins and Herrig lands a nice left hook early on. She attempts another but Casey catches her with a counter right. Herrig throws an inside leg kick that lands. Casey responds with a left hand followed by a right. Herrig steps into the pocket and lands a left hook over the top. Both women are landing shots but Casey appears to be getting in the better volume. Cortney with a nice uppercut followed by a right hand. Herrig fires back with a good left hook. Both women step into the pocket and throw bombs but it is Felice who gets the better strike in. Casey circles out and then fires off a nice left. Herrig with a straight right up the middle. She misses with a left and Cortney catches her with a right. Felice ducks her head and lands a pair of good shots to close out the round.
Round three begins and Herrig takes the center of the octagon. Herrig with a left hand. Cortney is not utilizing much movement at all. Herrig catches her with another left. Casey looks for a low kick. Herrig replies with one of her own. Herrig leaps forward with a combination. She lands a nice left over the top. Casey really needs to step up her output. Herrig connects with an inside leg kick. She follows that up with an overhand right. She might be stealing this round and the fight here. Casey fakes a jab but then misses with a follow up combination. Herrig with a good shot to the body and then a right hand over the top. Felice taunts Casey. Cortney replies with a nice right hand and then a knee inside. Round three comes to an end.
Felice Herrig UFC 218