UFC 218 Results: Max Holloway finishes Jose Aldo (VIDEO)
UFC 218 Results: Max Holloway vs. Jose Aldo

A featherweight title fight rematch between current champ Max Holloway and former division kingpin Jose Aldo served as the main event of tonight’s UFC 218 fight card in Detroit.
Round one begins and Max lands an early jab. Aldo takes the center of the octagon. Max leaps in with a right hand. He paws with his left jab. Aldo is very tentative early on here. Holloway misses with a straight right. Aldo throws a left that misses. He leaps in with a flurry of punches. Aldo with a hard leg kick. He only threw one of those last fight. Holloway misses with a right but lands a stiff left. Aldo returns fire with a hook. Aldo with a heavy leg kick. Max replies with a right hand. Max with a slap and then a left hook. Aldo tries to come over the top with a right. The fighters clinch and Aldo lands a knee. They break and Max lands a left hand. Aldo returns fire with a left hook. He attempts to go to the body with a punch. Max is doing a great job of slipping punches. Just as I say that he gets hit with a right hand. Aldo is just missing the mark while throwing heavy leather. Max lands a nice kick to the body. He sides steps and then lands a push kick. Aldo lands a massive uppercut. Holloway applauds him and the horn sounds to end round one.
Round two begins and Max lands a quick combination. Aldo responds with a hard low kick. Holloway rushes in and throws a jab to the body. Aldo side steps and throws a combination of his own. Max presses forward and land a jab. Aldo slams him with a left to the body. Jose is finding his range. He lands a left. Max returns fire with a shot to the body. Holloway with a nice right hand. He continues to pressure Aldo who lands a hard low kick. He lands another. Holloway did not like that. Another hard low kick. Max responds with a crisp right hand over the top. Both men trade shots to the body. Aldo just misses with a huge left hook. He lands another good low kick. Both fighters with jabs that find a home. Holloway lands a right. He catches and Aldo kick. Max goes to the body with shots. Aldo clinches up. They break and Holloway lands a spinning back kick. Max with a big combination. Aldo returns fire with a left. Max with a flying knee. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Max Holloway lands a pair of shots to the body. He follows that up with a right hand. Aldo lands a counter right hand followed by a low kick. Both men stand and trade wild punches. Aldo lands a good right. Holloway continues to pressure. Aldo with a left but Max lands a head kick. Both fighters connect with left hands. Max is going to the body now. Aldo and Holloway are trading now. Max is getting the better of these exchanges. Aldo is trying to clinch up. Max goes to the body now. He lands a right, Max is all over him. He lands a knee. More shots from Holloway. Aldo is bloody mess. Jose shoots in for a takedown. Max gets top position/ He begins raining down punishment. More shots from Holloway it is all over!
Always BLESSED!! Max ICES Jose!!
pic.twitter.com/Q9HOsWlTli #UFC218 #UFCDetroit #UFC— McDuckMMA (@McDuckMMA) December 3, 2017
Jose Aldo Max Holloway UFC 218