UFC Fight Night 106 Results: Sergio Moraes defeats Davi Ramos
A welterweight scrap between Sergio Moraes and Davi Ramos took place on tonight’s UFC Fight Night 106 prelims in Brazil.

Round one begins and Ramos quickly takes the center of the octagon. He leaps forward with a combination. Moraes fires back with a right hand. He leaps in with a knee that misses the mark. Sergio with a nice kick to the body but Ramos is quick to counter with a right hand. Davi with the forward pressure now. He lunges forward with a knee that misses the mark. Moraes circles and lands a jab to the body. Ramos fires off a combination but those shots are blocked by Sergio. Moraes misses with a high kick attempt. Ramos fires back with a hard low kick. He lands another and then presses forward with a right. Moraes counters nicely with a left hand and then a kick to the body. One minute remains in round one. Both men are pawing with their jabs now. Ramos misses with an overhand right. Moraes attempts but misses with one of his own. Davi circles back after eating a combo from Moraes. He charges forward with a right that is blocked and round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Sergio opens up with a hard leg kick. He paws with a left jab and then fires off a kick to the body. Ramos leaps in with a right hand that connects. Moraes is utilizing more forward pressure now. He misses with a left hook but then connects with a front kick followed by a jab to the body. Ramos presses forward and lands a nice right hand. That was his best strike of the fight thus far. Moraes replies with a right of his own. Ramos with another good right hand and then one to the body that drops Moraes. Sergio pops right back to his feet but that definitely hurt him. Still, he takes the center of the octagon and fires off a front kick. Ramos with another good shot to the body. Moraes is applying some serious pressure now. He lands a right but then eats a jab from Ramos. Sergio circles out and then presses forward with a nice left hook. He attempts an uppercut that misses. Both men connect with left hooks. Sergio comes forward with a jab that falls short. Ramos replies with a nice combination. He shoots in for a takedown. It is not there. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and the close fight continues as both men seem to content to fire off single shots. Back and forth they exchange jabs but neither fighter seems in a hurry to end this. Ramos finally charges forward with a combination. He lands a nice left and then another. He pushes Sergio against the fence but Moraes is quick to circle out. Two minutes remain in the fight. Moraes with a couple of front kicks up the middle. Ramos fires off a left jab. Another jab from Ramos. He explodes forward with a combination. Moraes circles out and lands a left hand. He circles away but then leaps in with a right. Ramos fires back with a low kick. Moraes misses with a right hand over the top. Sergio with a leg kick. Ramos connects with one of his own and round three comes to an end.
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Davi Ramos Sergio Moraes UFC Fight Night 106