UFC Fight Night 119 Results: John Lineker defeats Marlon Vera
A bantamweight scrap between John Lineker and Marlon Vera kicked off tonight’s UFC Fight Night 119 main card in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Round one begins and Vera takes the center of the octagon. He throws a low kick but Lineker avoids. John comes forward with a combination. He lands a right hand. Vera faints with a front kick. He circles and then throws a low kick. Marlon with another kick, this time to the body. Lineker has yet to really open up yet. John fires back a low kick of is own and then another. Marlon replies with a jab. Another low kick from Lineker. The crowd is growing restless. Lineker pushes forward now. He lands a low kick and then a right hand upstairs. Vera misses with a jab. Lineker goes to the body and then follows up with a right hand upstairs. Vera retreats but John stays on him and begins unloading body shots. Lineker with a big right hand now. Vera circles off the cage but there is nowhere to run. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Vera comes forward with a kick to the body. Lineker catches it and fires off a right hand. Vera is utilizing some forward movement early in round two. He lands a hard outside low kick. Lineker pushes forward now. He begins throwing some nasty hooks that force Vera to retreat. John with a right hand over the top. Vera turns and throws a spinning kick that partially connects. The fighters clinch and Vera throws a knee. Lineker presses him against the cage briefly before they break. Lineker leaps in with a combination that ends in a left hook. Vera with a low kick but he eats a right hand. Lineker connects with a spinning back kick. Two minutes remain in round two. Vera with a hard outside low kick. Lineker replies with one of his own. Both men connect with left hands. Lineker charges forward with some violent shots to the body. Vera responds with a knee from the clinch. The fighters break Lineker drops Vera with a low kick. John follows Marlon to the ground and begins landing some big elbows from top position. The horn sounds to end round two.
Round three begins and Vera lands a hard low kick to get things started. Lineker charges forward and lands some big hooks to the body. He presses Vera against the fence and lands a knee. Marlon breaks free and circles out. He lands a low kick and then throws a front kick that partially connects. John with a nice inside low kick. Vera leaps in with a flying knee. The fighters clinch up against the cage. Lineker works a knee. They break. Vera throws a high kick but it is blocked. Three minutes remain now. Vera with a nice kick to the body. Lineker charges forward with a straight right hand. Vera attempts another flying knee that just misses. John throws a spinning back kick that misses. He follows up with a right body shot that finds a home. Lineker takes the center of the octagon and fires off a big combination. Vera takes it and presses forward. He throws a knee that misses the mark. Vera with a good jab. Lineker pushes him against the cage. Under a minute to go now as the fighters break. Lineker misses with a left hook. Vera with a head kick attempt that misses. He lands a nasty low kick. Vera leaps in with a flying knee that misses. Lineker with a spinning back kick. The horn sounds to end round three.
UFC Fight Night 119