UFN 89 Results: Jason Saggo defeats Leandro Silva via split decision
A lightweight bout between Jason Saggo and Leandro Silva served as the featured fight of tonight’s UFC Fight Night 89 event in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Round one begins and Silva takes the center of the cage. Saggo is circling trying to find his range. Jason comes forward with a right hand and then a leg kick. Silva lands a heavy leg kick. Saggo is closing the distance now. He shoots in and lands a takedown. He moves to half guard and begins landing shots from the top. Silva is looking to sweep but is unable to connect his arms. Saggo lands a short elbow. Silva scrambles and gets back to his feet. Leandro presses forward with punches and connects with a right. Saggo responds with a kick to the body. The fighters trade jabs. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Saggo throws a kick to the body of Silva. Leandro replies with a low kick. Saggo comes forward and lands a punch and then a leg kick. Silva takes the center of the octagon. He lands a kick to the body. He misses with a head kick. Nice combo lands for Silva. He lands a knee and shoots in on Saggo. Jason defends and the fighters break. Silva comes forward with a jab that falls short. Saggo misses with a right hand. Saggo lands a high kick. Silva smiles. Leandro with a right hand. He presses Saggo against the cage. Silva breaks and lands a leg kick. Saggo charges forward but can’t find Silva with his strikes. Silva with a leg kick. Saggo partially connects with a front kick. Silva replies with a kick of his own. Silva lands a jab and then a leg kick. Saggo comes forward with punches but Silva uses the forward momentum to get an easy takedown. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and the fighters exchange leg kicks. Saggo lands a right hand. He follows that up with a nice kick to the body of Silva. Leandro responds with a counter left. Saggo lands a nice combination that backs up Silva. Saggo with a good jab. He shoots in for a takedown. Silva is defending well. Saggo throws some knees. The fighters break. Silva with a high kick that lands. Saggo presses forward with a nice combination. Inside leg kick from Jason. He switches things up and lands a kick on the outside. Silva is moving well but not throwing enough punches. He lands a jab. He catches a leg kick from Saggo and takes the Canadian to the canvas. Silva with a couple of big hammer fists to end round three.
Jason Saggo defeats Leandro Silva via split-decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)
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UFC Fight Night 89