UFC on FOX 25 Results: Chase Sherman defeats Damian Grabowski
A heavyweight scrap between Chase Sherman and Damian Grabowski kicked off tonight’s UFC on FOX 25 televised prelims from Long Island, New York.

Round one begins and Grabowski misses with a left hook and Chase replies with a nice right hand. Sherman with a quick combination. He looks much faster than Grabowski early on here. Sherman with a nice kick to the body. Grabowski looks to shoot in for a takedown but it is not there. Sherman lands a nice low kick. He presses forward but eats a left hand from Damian. Grabowski scores with a right hand over the top. Sherman responds with a nice knee inside. Grabowski appears to be ok. Sherman presses forward and lands a leg kick. Grabowski lands a right hand over the top but Sherman replies with a nice combination. He continues to press forward and scores with a nice hook to the body. Grabowski lands a good right hand over the top. Chase replies with a hard low kick. Another right hand from Damian. Still, Chase presses forward. He lands a low kick followed by a combination. He throws a high kick. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Grabowski lands a pair of left jabs early. Sherman attempts a high kick but Damian replies with a right hand. Grabowski misses with a follow up right and Sherman catches him with a nice kick. Another good low kick scores for Chase. Sherman circles and then lands another good low kick. Grabowski comes in right a right hand and then lands a left hook. Sherman responds with a body kick. Chase is pressing forward now. He lands a hard low kick. Grabowski replies with a left and then an uppercut. Sherman replies with a right hand followed by a knee. Grabowski with a big right hand over the top. He shoots in for a takedown but Sherman defends. Chase presses Damian up against the cage and lands a solid combination. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Sherman presses forward with a combination that ends in a low kick. He appears to poke Damian in the eye accidently. Grabowski with a good right hand followed by a body shot. Sherman appears to be slowing down. Chase lands a good low kick. Damian pushes forward with a right hand. Chase replies with one of his own. Sherman with a leg kick. He presses Damian against the cage and lands a nice elbow followed by a combination. Grabowski circles off the fence but eats a hard low kick. Damian presses forward with a left hand. Sherman replies with a kick to the body. Grabowski misses with a right hand and then a left. Round three comes to an end.
UFC on FOX 25