UFC on FOX 25 Results: Elizeu Zaleski Dos Santos defeats Lyman Good
A scrap between Lyman Good and Elizeu Zaleski Dos Santos served as the featured bout of tonight’s UFC on FOX 25 prelims from Long Island, New York.

Round one begins and Good presses forward with a body kick. Dos Santos catches it and takes Good down to the floor. Lyman pops right back up to his feet but Dos Santos moves to take his back. Good scrambles free from that position but Elizeu presses him up against the cage. Good breaks free and lands a nice knee inside. He comes forward with a high kick that is blocked by Dos Santos. Elizeu lands a pair of nice low kick. Lyman just eats those and presses forward. Good punches now from Good. He is applying all kinds of pressure here. A big right hand lands for Good. Dos Santos answers with a combination. Elizeu just misses with a front kick. Lyman presses forward and lands a nice right hand followed by a left. Dos Santos circles and fires back with a leg kick. Good attempts to go upstairs with a kick but does not connect. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Lyman lands a nice left hook to start. Good presses forward and lands a nice left jab. He follows that up with a big right. Dos Santos fires back with a big right hand of his own. Elizeu misses with a head kick but Good fails to counter. Dos Santos shoots in for a takedown but it is not there. The fighters briefly clinch against the cage and then break. Lyman presses forward and lands a right hand. The fighters clinch again and exchange some strikes. They break and Dos Santos shoots in for a takedown but it is not there. Another good right hand from Lyman Good. Both men begin to stand and trade in the pocket now. Dos Santos with a nice kick. He follows that up with a spinning back fist. Good responds with a hard knee to the body. Dos Santos felt that and backs up. He circles and then lands a nice low kick on Good. Dos Santos with a big knee. Somehow Lyman presses forward and land a right hand. Another low kick from Dos Santos and round two comes to an end.
Dos Santos was able to turn the tide in round three landing some good punches and hard leg kicks. With that said, Lyman Good was still the aggressor in round three, walking forward like “The Terminator” even when absorbing punishment.
In the end, the judges saw the fight in favor of Dos Sanots. (30-27, 28-29. 29-28).
How did you score the bout?
UFC on FOX 25