UFC Results News

UFC Fight Night 92 Results: Dennis Bermudez defeats Rony Jason
Chris Taylor - August 6, 2016
A featherweight bout between Dennis Bermudez and Rony Jason served as the co-main event of tonight’s UFC Fight Night 92 event in Salt Lake City. Round one begins and Bermudez lands a jab to start. He lands a kick to the body of Jason. Rony fires back with a kick of his own. Bermudez pumps a double jab. He presses forward and lands a kick to the body. Jason counters with a right hand. Rony with a nice jab. Dennis lands a solid leg kick. He shoots in for a takedown and gets it. Bermudez with a big shot from the top. Rony is searching for an armbar. It is not there. More shots from the top by Dennis. Nice elbows from Bermudez. Jason is split wide open. He is bleeding badly. More shots from Dennis. Jason is defending well but is all sorts of busted up. Round one comes to an end.

UFC Fight Night 92 Results: Thales Leites submits Chris Camozzi
Chris Taylor - August 6, 2016
A middleweight bout between Chris Camozzi and Thales Leites took place during tonight’s UFC Fight Night 92 main card in Salt Lake City. Round one begins and Leites shoots in for a takedown. Chris defends and the fighters engage in the clinch. Leites presses Camozzi against the fence and looks to score with a trip. He gets it but Chris pops right back to his feet. Thales drags Camozzi back to the floor and has his back. Leites has one hook in but Chris is back to his feet. Thales is looking to sink in a rear-naked choke. He lands some short shots on Camozzi. Thales now has both hooks in but Chris is still on his feet. Leites locks in a body triangle. He’s working some shots to the head of Camozzi. Chris is in a bad position here but defending well. More short shots from Leites. He takes Chris to the ground and round one comes to an end.

UFC Fight Night 92 Results: Cub Swanson defeats Tatsuya Kawajiri
Chris Taylor - August 6, 2016
A featherweight bout between veterans Cub Swanson and Tatsuya Kawajiri served as the featured fight of tonight’s UFC Fight Night 92 Fight Pass prelims in Salt Lake City. Round one begins and Kawajiri starts things off with back-to-back leg kicks. He misses with a front kick attempt. Kawajiri attempts a spinning back fist but it is not there. Swanson takes the center of the octagon. Kawajiri lands a leg kick. Swanson lands a big right hand. Kawajiri answers with a counter left. A nice right hand scores for Swanson. Kawajiri shoots in for a takedown. Cub defends and lands some elbows. Swanson with a left jab and then a kick to the body. He misses with a spinning high kick. Kawajiri lands a big right and then scores a takedown. He moves to half guard. Kawajiri is looking to pass to side control. He skips that and moves to mount. Cub fights his way back to half guard. Kawajiri moves back in to mount. Cub quickly moves back to half guard. Shots from the top by Kawajiri but Swanson gets back to full guard. Cub is working some heel stomps from the bottom. Round one comes to an end.

UFC 201 Results: Tyron Woodley KO's Robbie Lawler
Chris Taylor - July 30, 2016
A welterweight title fight between champion Robbie Lawler and challenger Tyron Woodley served as the headliner of tonight’s UFC 201 event in Atlanta. Round one begins and Lawler takes the center of the octagon. Woodley has his hands low to start. Tyron comes forward with a big right. Lawler partially lands a high kick. The fighters clinch. The referee quickly separates them. Lawler throws a front kick. Woodley lands a huge right hand and drops Lawler. He follows up with punches and finishes Lawler.

UFC 201 Results: Jake Ellenberger finishes Matt Brown
Chris Taylor - July 30, 2016
A welterweight bout between Matt Brown and Jake Ellenberger took place on tonight’s UFC 201 main card in Atlanta. Round one begins and Ellenberger lands a huge punch right away that drops Brown. Jake immediately rushes in with punches from the top. He lands some big blows. Brown gets up to his feet but eats another right hand. Matt looks to be ok and lands a big right hand of his own. Jake retreats. Brown is pressing the action now. Brown lands a knee. Ellenberger with a huge kick to the body of Brown. Matt drops to the canvas. Ellenberger follows up with some huge shots from the top. This one is all over.

UFC 201 Results: Erik Perez defeats Francisco Rivera via decision
Chris Taylor - July 30, 2016
A bantamweight bout between Francisco Rivera (11-7 MMA) and Erik Perez (16-6 MMA) took place on tonight’s UFC 201 main card in Atlanta. Round one begins and Perez misses with a front kick. Rivera lands a nice left hand. Perez throws a leg kick but eats another solid right hand from Rivera. Francisco with a nice combination. Perez lands a jab and then a body kick. Both fighters lands stiff shots. Perez lands a leg kick. Rivera fires back with one of his own. Both fighters trade kicks to the body. Perez catches a Rivera body kick and lands two nice shots inside. Both fighters stand in the pocket and trade shots. Perez ducks under and lands a takedown. Rivera immediately pops back up to his feet. Perez presses him against the fence. A nice knee lands for Erik. The fighters break. Perez lands a leaping knee to the body of Rivera. Francisco lands a nice counter left hook. Perez throws a superman punch to end round one.

UFC 201 Results: Ryan Benoit defeats Fredy Serrano via split-decision
Chris Taylor - July 30, 2016
A flyweight bout between Ryan Benoit and Fredy Serrano kicked off tonight’s UFC 201 main card in Atlanta. Round one begins and Benoit misses with a leg kick. Ryan throws another kick that connects. Serrano just misses with an axe kick. Benoit throws a kick that Fredy catches and uses to score a takedown. Serrano moves immediately to side control. Benoit scrambles and is able to get back to his feet. Serrano connects with a spinning back kick to the body. Ryan connects with a big right hand that drops Fredy. Serrano gets back to his feet and scores a takedown. Benoit quickly adjusts, scrambles and returns to his feet. Ryan lands another big right hand and then another. Serrano returns fire but misses with a wild punch. Benoit lands a big leg kick. Serrano shoots in for a takedown but Ryan stuffs the attempt. Serrano lands a short right. Benoit just misses with a high kick. Serrano fires back and narrowly misses with an axe kick attempt. A nice front kick lands for Fredy. Benout lands a big kick and then a punch to end round one.

UFC 201 Results: Nikita Krylov KO's Ed Herman
Chris Taylor - July 30, 2016
A light heavyweight bout between Ed Herman and Nikita Krylov served as the featured bout of tonight’s UFC 201 prelims in Atlanta. Round one begins and Krylov opens things up with a nice switch kick. He lands a jab and then another kick, this time to the leg of Herman. Both men trade leg kicks. Nice left hand and then a kick to the body from Nikita. He presses Herman against the fence and lands a knee. The fighters battle in the clinch. Herman with a nice knee inside. The fighters break. Krylov with a nice kick. Herman lands a left hand as Nikita lands a leg kick. Krylov with two more nice leg kicks that land. Herman with a nice right. Krylov slips and Herman jumps in to half guard. Nikita is able to shake Ed off and stand up. Nice head kick from Krylov. He comes forward with shots. Herman looks to be in trouble. Ed responds with an uppercut. The fighters break but Nikita chases after Herman and lands a jab. Another nice leg kick lands for Krylov and another. Nikita with a nice front kick to the body. He lands another. Ed takes a deep breath. Herman lands a nice left hook as round one comes to an end.

UFC 201 Results: Anthony Hamilton KO's Damian Grabowski
Chris Taylor - July 30, 2016
A heavyweight bout between Anthony Hamilton (15-5 MMA) and Damian Grabowski (20-4 MMA)took place during tonight’s UFC 201 prelims in Atlanta. Round one begins and Grabowski misses with a big punch. Hamilton connects with a right and then an uppercut. He follows up with some more big shots. Grabowski drops to the canvas. Hamilton with another follow up strike and the referee jumps in to stop the bout.

UFC 201 Results: Wilson Reis submits Hector Sandoval in round 1
Chris Taylor - July 30, 2016
A flyweight bout between Wilson Reis (21-6 MMA) and Hector Sandoval (12-3 MMA) kicked off the UFC 201 prelims on FS2. Round one begins and Sandoval with a nice kick to the body and then a hard kick to the leg. Reis shoots in for a takedown but it is not there. Hector lands a right hand and then a left. Another nice shot scores for Sandoval. Reis shoots in and scores with a takedown. He immediately takes the back of Hector. Sandoval scrambles and gets back to his feet. Reis immediately shoots back in and lands another takedown. He moves to the back of Hector and sinks in a rear-naked choke. Sandoval tries to defend but it is tight. Hector is forced to tapout.

UFC 201 Results: Michael Graves and Bojan Velickovic battle to a majority draw
Chris Taylor - July 30, 2016
A welterweight bout between Michael Graves (6-0-1 MMA) and Bojan Velickovic (14-3-1 MMA) served as the second fight of tonight’s UFC 201 pay-per-view event in Atlanta. Round one begins and Graves starts things off with a front kick to the leg of Bojan. Velickovic misses with a high kick but follows up with a kick to the body that lands. Graves eats a leg kick but responds with a nice kick of his own. Another nice inside leg kick from Bojan. Velickovic misses with a front kick and then with a head kick. He finds success with another kick to the leg of Graves. Michael shoots in for a takedown but Bojan is able to stuff the attempt. Velickovic turns Graves against the cage and starts working some short shots from the clinch. Graves is able to break free but eats a jab. Michael misses with an axe kick. Graves lands a nice kick to the body and circles away. Velickovic presses forward and lands a nice leg kick. Graves lands a head kick to end round one.

VIDEO | Watch Demian Brown KO Cesar Arzamendia at UFC 201
Chris Taylor - July 30, 2016
Demian Brown kicked off tonight’s UFC 201 event in style by scoring a first-round knockout victory over Cesar Arzamendia. Watch Brown put Cesar away by landing two big right hands and then some solid ground and pound:

VIDEO | Holm and Shevchenko post-fight presser highlights
Chris Taylor - July 24, 2016
Valentina Shevchenko would like another shot at current UFC women’s champ Amanda Nunes following her big main event win at last night’s UFC on FOX 20 event in Chicago.

UFC on FOX 20 Reebok Pay: The Lowest Total Of The Year Thus Far
Chris Taylor - July 24, 2016
According to a report from MMAJunkie, the UFC on FOX 20 Reebok Outfitting pay from last night’s UFC on FOX 20 event was the lowest of the year thus far. UFC on FOX 20 was headlined by a key women’s bantamweight bout which saw Valentina Shevchenko upset former UFC champion Holly Holm via decision.

VIDEO | UFC on FOX 20 Post-fight Press Conference
Chris Taylor - July 24, 2016
Watch the post-fight press conference from last night’s UFC on FOX 20 event in Chicago.

VIDEO | Shevchenko and Holm's post-fight octagon interviews
Chris Taylor - July 24, 2016
Valentina Shevchenko scored the biggest victory of her UFC career last night in Chicago by earning a unanimous decision victory over former title holder Holly Holm.

Pros react to Barboza's decision victory over Melendez
Chris Taylor - July 24, 2016
Edson Barboza utilized some brutal leg kicks to earn a unanimous decision victory over former Strikeforce title holder Gilbert Melendez in last night’s UFC on FOX 20 co-main event. Here is how the pros reacted to Barboza’s win:

UFC on FOX 20 Bonus Report
Chris Taylor - July 24, 2016
UFC on FOX 20 in Chicago delivered some memorable fights and solid finishes. With that said, UFC President Dana White handed out three “Performance of the night” awards at last night’s UFC on FOX 20 post fight press conference.