TUF 24 Finale Results: Jamie Moyle defeats Kailin Curran
A women’s strawweight bout between Kailin Curran and Jamie Moyle kicked off tonight’s TUF 24 Finale prelims on FS1.

Round one begins and Curran presses forward with punches. Moyle ducks under and lands a takedown. She begins working from full guard. Kailin is able to scramble and get back to her feet. Jamie misses with a wild combination. She continues to press forward and pushes Curran against the cage. Good knees inside from Moyle. Curran lands a nice knee inside. Moyle replies with some knees of her own. Moyle is working hard to keep Curran pressed against the cage. Curran locks in a choke. It looks deep. Moyle escapes but now has her back pressed against the fence by Curran. The fighters break. Moyle misses with front kick. Curran throws a combination. Moyle ducks under and pushes Curran back against the cage. Good knees inside from Jamie. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Kailin presses forward with a combination. She takes the center of the octagon. Moyle ducks under a punch and drives Curran back against the fence. Curran reverses the position and lands a pair of knees. The fighters break and Kailin lands a nice jab. She follows up with another stiff shot. Curran with a nice left hook. Moyle fires back with a body kick. Curran is putting together combinations now. Moyle is able to get a hold of Curran and presses her against the cage. She ducks low and picks Curran up and slams her to the canvas. She begins working from the half guard position. Moyle is pouring blood from top position. Still, she works some effective ground and pound as round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Moyle lands a low kick to start. She scores another. Jamie lands a nice overhand right and presses Curran against the fence. Curran scrambles off the fence and lands a shot. Jamie eats it and presses forward for a takedown. Kailin is able to scramble and avoid being taken down. Another takedown attempt from Moyle. Kailin switches the position and gets on top. Good ground and pound from Curran. Moyle scrambles and gets back to her feet but the referee stops the action because of a possible illegal knee. We restart and Curran lands a combination. Moyle grabs a hold of Kailin and lands some knees from the clinch. They break and Curran lands a jab. Good shots and kicks from both ladies here. Curran is applying pressure. Moyle ducks under a punch and scores a much needed takedown. She begins working from half guard. Good shots from the top by Jamie. Round three comes to an end.
UFC Results