TUF 24 Finale Results: Brandon Moreno defeats Ryan Benoit via split-decision
A flyweight fight between Ryan Benoit and Brandon Moreno kicked off tonight’s TUF 24 Finale main card in Las Vegas.

Round one begins and Moreno lands a good combination to start things off. He charges forward and presses Ryan against the fence. He looks for a takedown and gets it. Benoit immediately pops back up but Brandon drags him right back down. Benoit scrambles back to his feet and they break. Moreno presses forward with a right hand and pushes Ryan against the fence. He lands some decent short shots from the clinch. They break and Moreno connects with an accidental groin kick. The referee steps in a breaks the action. We restart and Moreno lands a nice combination. He presses forward but eats a huge body kick from Ryan. Benoit with a big right hand and then a left. He lands another kick. Moreno eats it and presses forward with a combination of his own. Benoit with a counter left. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Ryan charges forward and shoots for a takedown attempt. Brandon defends and circles off the fence. Both men are hesitant to engage in the early stages of round two. Moreno lands a right hand. He lands a good combination. Benoit fires back with a left. He lands another left hand that drops Moreno. Brandon pops right back to his feet and throws a combination. Benoit with another nice left hand. He needs to throw that more often. He connects again. Moreno shoots in and picks Ryan up and slams him down. He begins working from full guard with two minutes left. Some short shots land for Moreno. Benoit scrambles and gets back to his feet. Brandon still has a hold of him and is able to slam him back down. Moreno moves to half guard. He works some shots to the body as round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Moreno lands a leg kick to start. He shoots in for a takedown attempt. It is not there but he is able to press Benoit against the fence. He works a knee from the clinch. He attempts a trip but Benoit escapes and breaks free. Benoit lands a nice right hand. Moreno responds with a combination. Benoit shoots in but the takedown is not there. He lands a left hand but then eats a combination followed by a kick from Moreno. Moreno ducks under a punch and grabs a hold of Benoit. He looks for a takedown but Ryan defends well. Benoit swings wildly with a left hand that misses. Moreno replies with a leg kick and then a jab. Benoit rushes forward with a right hand. Round three comes to an end.
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