UFC 197 Results: James Vick defeats Glaico Franca via decision
A lightweight bout between Glaico Franca (13-4 MMA) and James Vick (9-0 MMA) kicked off the UFC 197 prelims on FS1 tonight in Las Vegas.

Franca opens up with a leg kick and then a big right hand that lands flush on Vick. Glaico shoots in and scores a takedown. Vick works his way to the fence and stands back up. Franca battles with Vick in the clinch and eventually drags him back down to the floor. Some decent sots from the top by Franca who moves to half guard. He lands a good shot before Vick fights his way back to the full guard position. Good butterfly guard displayed here by Vick. James gets his back against the fence and stands back up. Franca still has a hold of Vick and begins working some knees. The referee forces the fighters to break. Good leg kick from Vick but Franca lands a stiff job. Nice right hand from Vick who may have just poked Franca in the eye a few seconds ago. Nice shots to the body and then two to the head from Vick. Glaico shoots in and scores another takedown to finish round one.
Round two begins after the doctor takes a look at Franca’s eye. Franca misses with a leg kick but catches Vick with a left hand. Nice jab from Franca but Vick responds with a big left and then a right. Big uppercut from Vick who follows up with a double jab. Another right hand from Vick. A spinning back fist lands for Franca who follows that up with a takedown. He begins working from full guard on Vick who is scooting towards the fence. Vick eventually works his way up. He throws a knee and then lands a right hand on Franca. Good uppercut from Vick. Franca responds with a crisp right hand. Excellent jabs from Vick. Franca is bleeding now. Counter right hook scores for Vick. James lands a nice left hand and then a spinning back kick to the body to close out round two.
Round three begins and Vick lands three straight jabs. Franca is walking forward but Vick keeps countering him with strikes. James’ left jab is finding a home over and over here. Franca lands a leg kick. He comes forward and misses wildly with a spinning back fist. Franca shoots in for a takedown but Vick defends. The fighters are in the clinch against the cage and Vick begins working some knees to the thigh. They break and Franca lands a solid leg kick. He’s chasing Vick but cannot find a home for his punches. Flying knee lands for James. He follows that up with a switch kick. Good leg kick from Franca. James lands a combo but Franca cracks him with a big right hand. Franca with more leg kicks. Vick narrowly misses with a front kick. Under a minute left. Franca with another leg kick. He’s trying to find Vick but eats a front kick for his troubles. This one has ended. We go to the judges.
James Vick defeats Glaico Franca via decision (29-28, 29-28, 30-27)
UFC 197 results