UFC 197 Results: Sergio Pettis defeats Chris Kelades
A flyweight bout between Sergio Pettis (14-2 MMA) and Chris Kelades (9-3 MMA) served as the main attraction of tonight’s UFC 197 prelims in Las Vegas.

Round one begins and Pettis lands a right jab to start. The flyweight fighters exchange left hands. Sergio with a good jab. Chris Kelades with a front kick that misses. Pettis with a nice left jab and then a leg kick. He lands another hard leg kick on Kelades. Pettis with another good left jab and then another. He lands hard leg kick on the Canadian. Kelades shoots in for a takedown attempt. Pettis stuffs it and gets pressed against the cage. Chris with a nice knee to the body. The fighters break. Pettis lands another good left jab. Kelades shoots in for a takedown but it is not there. Sergio lands a trip kick and winds up in top position on Chris. Pettis is working from full guard but decides to stand back up. Kelades charges forward and eats a jab for his effort. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Kelades catches a kick from Pettis and scores an early takedown. Sergio is looking for a triangle choke but Chris is able to fight it off. Kelades moves to half guard. Pettis executes a butterfly sweep and winds up on top and in full guard. Nice elbow from Pettis. He works some shots to the body of Kelades. Sergio backs off but Chris jumps in for a single leg. The fighters clinch against the cage. Chris is working some good knees as he gets the back of Pettis. Sergio fights out of the position and presses Chris against the fence. Nice right hand and then a left scores for Pettis. Good right hand from Chris. Pettis fires back with a jab and then a head kick. Chris shoots in but Pettis shrugs him off. The fighters clinch against the cage. They break and Pettis lands a high kick. Chris with a good knee and then a leg kick. Pettis with a nice right hand over the top. Chris shoots in for a takedown but round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Pettis uses some good shots to set up a takedown just over a minute in to the final round. Sergio is in half guard and lands a nice elbow. Chris stands back up and Sergio lands a good knee. Pettis loses his mouth piece so we take a brief break. Back to it and Sergio lands a nice combination. Chris with a good standing elbow. Pettis shoots in for a takedown but Kelades is not having it. Pettis is searching for a single leg. The fighters break but Chris quickly shoots in and backs Sergio in to the cage. Pettis locks in a guillotine choke but is unable to secure the finish. Chris drags Sergio to the mat as round three comes to an end.
Sergio Pettis defeats Chris Kelades via decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
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UFC 197 results