UFC 198 Results: John Lineker defeats Rob Font
A bantamweight bout between John Lineker (27-7 MMA) and Rob Font (12-2 MMA) kicked off the televised portion of tonight’s UFC 198 prelims in Curitiba, Brazil.

Round one begins and Font opens up with a front kick to the body of Lineker. Rob with a high kick that misses. Good counter right to the body by John. Lineker lands a solid leg kick. Good jabs from Font. He lands an uppercut. Lineker is having trouble closing the distance. He charges forward with punches but nothing lands. Font with a jab but Lineker is able to counter with a left hand. Good leg kick scores for Font. Good combination from John. He goes to the body of Font. Rob retreats and pumps his jab. Lineker is stalking him. He charges forward. Lineker with a leg kick that drops Font. Rob pops right back to his feet and lands a jab. Lineker comes forward and lands some big shots to the body and head of Font. Lineker shoots in and lands a takedown. He’s working from half guard and landing some nice shots. Font fights his way back to his feet. Lineker charges forward and lands some big shots to the body. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Lineker opens up with a big leg kick and then a left hook. More leg kicks from John. Font throws a jab. Another nice kick from Lineker. Rob is trying to keep his range by doubling up on his jabs. Lineker charges forward and lands some shots to the body. John with a left hand and then a right. He goes to the body and then the head of Font. Rob paws with his jab. Lineker with another leg kick. Font is switching stances. He lands a leg kick on Lineker. Rob with a nice jab. He circles and lands a leg kick. John with a big right hand. Lineker charges in with shots to the body. Nice leg kick scores for Font. Lineker with a huge left that misses, Font ducks underneath and lands a takedown. John gets right back to his feet. Font lands an uppercut. Lineker with a solid leg kick. Font with a high kick. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Lineker starts things off with a leg kick. John with another leg kick inside. Font is circling but John is hunting him down and lands a punch to the body. Excellent leg kick lands for Lineker. Nice uppercuts from Font. Lineker responds with some big punches of his own. He has Rob in trouble. Font goes to the ground and Lineker follows him there. John is working from half guard and beings landing some short lefts followed by some viscous knees to the body. Font gets back to his feet and eats a couple of shots for his troubles. Rob throws a leg kick that partially lands. Lineker catches a Font kick and drags him to the ground. Nice elbow from the top by Lineker. Lineker with some short shots. Font scrambles to his feet. Thirty seconds left. Lineker comes forward and lands a huge shot. He rushes in on Font and begins landing some huge shots as round three comes to an end.
John Lineker defeats Rob Font via decision (30-27, 29-28, 30-26)
UFC 198 Results