UFC 199 Results: Brian Ortega KO’s Clay Guida
A featherweight bout between Brian Ortega (11-0 MMA) and Clay Guida (32-17 MMA) served as the headlining bout of tonight’s UFC 199 preliminary card in Las Vegas.

Round one begins and Clay Guida is able to catch Ortega with a stiff left hand that sends him to the canvas. Brian pops right back up and circles away. Guida presses forward and lands a couple of shots from his flurry of punches. He has Ortega up against the fence and lands some good strikes inside. Guida with a nice right hand and then a leg kick. Ortega fires back with a combination but nothing lands flush. Guida is applying the pressure. He lands a nice right hand and then a follow up left. Ortega circles away and looks frustrated. The fighters exchange punches as round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Brian starts off by pawing his jab. Guida ducks under and tries for a double leg. Ortega shakes him off. Nice combination from Guida. He snaps a beautiful left jab. His hands look great tonight. Ortega with a solid kick to the body. He follows up with an uppercut. Guida ducks under a punch and lands a nice uppercut. Clay lands a solid kick to the outside of Ortega’s lead leg. Ortega responds with a nice kick to the body of Guida. Clay comes forward with a combination. Guida with another stiff jab that lands flush. Brian fires back with a kick and then a nice right hand. Guida circles away and then comes forward with a nice right hand. Ortega is pressing forward now. He lands nice punch. Guida responds with two of his own. Ortega lands an uppercut. Ten seconds left. Ortega with a spinning back kick. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Ortega is circling and trying to keep Guida away with jabs. Clay is pressing forward but is having difficulty finding his range. Guida with a nice right jab. Ortega is throwing a lot of punches but not many are landing. Guida with a left hand. Ortega responds with a left of his own. Ortega with a left and then an uppercut. He is beginning to walk down Guida. He lands a spinning back kick to the body of Clay. Guida replies with a right hand. Brian and Clay exchange lefts. They are throwing punches in bunches. Ortega is coming forward with all sorts of strikes. Guida with a big right hand. Ortega lands a huge knee. Guida drops. This one is all over.
Brian Ortega KO’s Clay Guida at 4:40 of round three
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