UFC 200 Results: T.J. Dillashaw defeats Raphael Assuncao
A key bantamweight bout between former title holder T.J. Dillashaw (13-3 MMA) and Raphael Assuncao (23-5 MMA) took place on tonight’s UFC 200 preliminary card in Las Vegas.

Round one begins and Assuncao takes the center of the octagon. TJ lands a good leg kick. Dillashaw is utilizing a lot of movement early. Raphael misses with a a wild right. TJ with a leg kick. Assuncao returns fire with one of his own. Nice right lands for TJ. The fighters exchange leg kicks.
Nice spinning back kick from Assuncao. He follows up with a leg kick. TJ lands a double jab. Raphael catches a kick and lands a knee. Solid leg kick lands for Dillashaw. Assuncao presses forward with punches and attempts a takedown. It is not there. Nice leg kick and then a body kick from Assuncao. TJ shoots in for a takedown but it is not there. Excellent right hand from TJ. He presses forward but eats a punch from Assuncao. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Assuncao lands a leg kick. TJ lands a kick and shoots in for a takedown. Raphael stuffs the attempt. TJ with a nice outside leg kick and then a big right hand. Assuncao with a left hand. He is trying to counter TJ but Dillashaw is keeping his distance well. Huge right hand lands for TJ. He follows that up with a leg kick. Assuncao misses with a spinning kick. He then lands a leg kick. A nice right hand finds a home for Dillashaw. TJ presses forward and lands another good leg kick. Assuncao lands a nice counter right. The fighters exchange combinations. TJ presses forward with kicks. He partially lands a high kick. Raphael misses with a front kick but lands a takedown. TJ pops right back up to his feet. Assuncao lands a right hand. The referee steps in to check the cut on Assuncao. The fight resumes and Raphael lands a nice body kick. TJ with a takedown. Assuncao quickly gets back to his feet. A nice kick lands for Dillashaw. Assuncao lands a knee inside.
Round three begins and Assuncao misses with a high kick. TJ is pressing the action and lands a nice low kick. Both fighters land kicks. Assuncao comes forward with a left hand and then a follow up kick. Nice left hand finds a home for Dillashaw. TJ presses forward and lands another combo. Dillashaw with a takedown attempt that misses. Both fighters are bloodied up. TJ with a nice jab. Assuncao catches a Dillashaw kick but cannot secure the follow-up trip attempt. Assuncao needs to do something here. He misses with a high kick. Dillashaw with a left and then a high kick that misses. Assuncao attempts a takedown but it is not there. Nice inside leg kicks land for both men. Assuncao lands a nice right hand. TJ shoots in and scores a takedown. He moves to half guard. Raphael scrambles and gets back to his feet. The horn sounds to end the fight.
Dillashaw defeats Assuncao via decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
UFC Results