UFC 201 Results: Nikita Krylov KO’s Ed Herman
A light heavyweight bout between Ed Herman and Nikita Krylov served as the featured bout of tonight’s UFC 201 prelims in Atlanta.

Round one begins and Krylov opens things up with a nice switch kick. He lands a jab and then another kick, this time to the leg of Herman. Both men trade leg kicks. Nice left hand and then a kick to the body from Nikita. He presses Herman against the fence and lands a knee. The fighters battle in the clinch. Herman with a nice knee inside. The fighters break. Krylov with a nice kick. Herman lands a left hand as Nikita lands a leg kick. Krylov with two more nice leg kicks that land. Herman with a nice right. Krylov slips and Herman jumps in to half guard. Nikita is able to shake Ed off and stand up. Nice head kick from Krylov. He comes forward with shots. Herman looks to be in trouble. Ed responds with an uppercut. The fighters break but Nikita chases after Herman and lands a jab. Another nice leg kick lands for Krylov and another. Nikita with a nice front kick to the body. He lands another. Ed takes a deep breath. Herman lands a nice left hook as round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Krylov lands a jab to start. Herman presses forward but eats a knee. A nice switch kick lands for Krylov. A spinning back fist lands for Nikita. Ed fires back with a punch. Nikita goes upstairs with a high kick and flattens Herman. This one is over!
Krylov KO’s Herman (head kick) at :40 of round 2
UFC Results