UFC 201 Results: Jorge Masvidal defeats Ross Pearson via decision
A welterweight bout between former lightweights Jorge Masvidal and Ross Pearson took place on tonight’s UFC 201 prelims in Atlanta.

Round one begins and Pearson starts things off with a kick to the body of Jorge. Ross lands a couple of nice leg kicks. Jorge fires back with a leg kick of his own. He goes upstairs with a high kick that partially lands on Pearson. Ross with another nice leg kick. Masvidal misses with a leg kick but lands a jab. Jorge with a nice front kick to the body. Pearson misses with a wild right hand. Nice head kick and then a knee from Masvidal. Jorge with a nice jab. He comes in with a flying knee that misses. Pearson takes advantage of the miss and winds up on top on the ground. Masvidal scrambles and quickly gets back to his feet. Back-to-back nice knees from Jorge. He lands solid elbow inside on Pearson. Ross breaks free and lands a switch kick. A nice jab lands for Masvidal. Pearson stumbles back. Jorge with a nice short hook to end round one.
Round two begins and Jorge starts things off with a leg kick. Ross replies with one of his own. Another chopping leg kick lands for Pearson. Masvidal takes the center of the octagon. He works his jab. Pearson misses with a front kick. Nice kick to the body from Jorge. Masvidal drops Pearson with a left hand. He follows up with some big shots. Jorge looks at the referee but he decides not to stop the bout. More shots from Jorge. Ross fights his way back up to his feet. Unbelievable toughness shown by Pearson. Jorge lands a nice left hook. Ross comes back with a jab and then a leg kick. He shoots in a lands a big takedown. Jorge immediately gets back to his feet though. Ross comes in with a leaping uppercut that misses. Masvidal with a nice left hook. The fighters trade shots as round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Ross presses forward with punches. He backs Jorge up against the cage and lands a body kick. Masvidal circles and switches his stance. Jorge with a nice jab and then another. Pearson lands a nice left hook. Masvidal responds with one of his own. Jorge with a nice short left hook. He lands an uppercut. Pearson misses with a high kick. Ross misses with an uppercut and eats back-to-back jabs for his troubles. Pearson with a nice shot to the body of Masvidal. Jorge is landing a short left hook basically at will at this point. Pearson lands a leaping left and then another. Jorge with another nice short left hook and then another. Pearson fires back with a leg kick. The fighters are just standing and trading in the pocket now. Big knee to the body from Jorge. He follows that up with a nice kick. Pearson responds with two nice kicks of his own as the horn sounds to end the bout.
Masvidal defeats Pearson via decision (29-28, 29-28, 30-27)
UFC Results