UFC 201 Results: Ryan Benoit defeats Fredy Serrano via split-decision
A flyweight bout between Ryan Benoit and Fredy Serrano kicked off tonight’s UFC 201 main card in Atlanta.

Round one begins and Benoit misses with a leg kick. Ryan throws another kick that connects. Serrano just misses with an axe kick. Benoit throws a kick that Fredy catches and uses to score a takedown. Serrano moves immediately to side control. Benoit scrambles and is able to get back to his feet. Serrano connects with a spinning back kick to the body. Ryan connects with a big right hand that drops Fredy. Serrano gets back to his feet and scores a takedown. Benoit quickly adjusts, scrambles and returns to his feet. Ryan lands another big right hand and then another. Serrano returns fire but misses with a wild punch. Benoit lands a big leg kick. Serrano shoots in for a takedown but Ryan stuffs the attempt. Serrano lands a short right. Benoit just misses with a high kick. Serrano fires back and narrowly misses with an axe kick attempt. A nice front kick lands for Fredy. Benout lands a big kick and then a punch to end round one.
Round two begins and Serrano ducks under for a takedown attempt but it is not there. He misses with a spinning back fist. Benoit lands a nice left hand after Fredy misses with another axe kick attempt. Serrano shoots in for a takedown. Benoit grabs a hold of Fredy’s neck. Serrano slams Ryan to the floor forcing him to let go of the guillotine attempt. Fredy is working from full guard now. He moves to half guard. Ryan scrambles and gets back to his feet. Both men miss with big shot attempts. Serrano shoots in for a takedown but eats some shots for his troubles. He lets go of Ryan’s leg and we are back to a stand up fight. Serrano presses forward with a flying front kick. He shoots in for a takedown and gets it. He moves immediately to side control. Serrano is now working from north-south position. He lands some short shots. He postures up and lands some big shots. Benoit gets back to his feet as round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Serrano shoots in for a takedown and gets it. He begins working from full guard. Some short shots from the top by Fredy. Benoit is able to scramble and get on top. Ryan moves to half guard. Serrano adjusts and gets back to his feet. Ryan has a hold of him but decides to let go. Serrano misses with another axe kick attempt. Benoit with a leg kick. He lands another. Benoit circles away and throws a spinning back fist that partially connects. Serrano shoots in for a takedown but it is not there. Benoit lands a good kick to the body. Ryan is pressing forward but eats a short kick. A beautiful leg kick lands for Benoit. He presses Fredy against the cage and works some short shots to the body. A big right hand lands for Benoit. Serrano ducks under for a takedown but it is not there. Round three comes to an end.
Benoit defeats Serrano via split-decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)
UFC Results