UFC 202 Results: Artem Lobov defeats Chris Avila
A lightweight bout between Artem Lobov and Chris Avila took place on tonight’s UFC 202 prelims in Las Vegas.

Round one begins and Lobov presses forward with punches. He pushes Avila against the fence. The fighters break after a short moment in the clinch. A nice left hand to the body scores for Lobov. Avila lands a nice left. Two good leg kicks score for Lobov. Avila lands a leg kick. Lobov replies with a nice left hand. A big leg kick scores for Artem. He presses forward and lands back-to-back leg kicks. And another. These are hard kicks. Avila lands a jab but eats another two leg kicks. Lobov lands a nice shot to the body of Avila and then follows up with another leg kick. Chris clinches up and looks for a trip. It is not there and the fighters break. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Lobov starts things off with a leg kick. He lands another solid kick to the left leg of Avila. Chris clinches up and presses Lobov against the cage. Artem switches the position and they break. Lobov with a nice left hand to the body of Avila. Chris with a left jab and then a nice right hand. Lobov replies with a leg kick. Both fighters trade right hands. Artem presses forward and lands a jab. He follows up with a low kick. Avila is struggling to find his range and timing. He clinches up with Lobov but Artem shakes him off. A nice leg kick scores for Lobov. Artem lands a nice combination. Chris shakes it off but eats another hard leg kick. Avila lands a right hook. Lobov lands a short left. He’s taunting Avila now. Both fighters trade slaps. They are talking to each other now. A huge leg kick lands for Lobov. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Lobov quickly takes the center of the cage. Avila lands a leg kick. Lobov fires back with one of his own. Chris lands a counter right hand. Avila eats another brutal leg kick. Chris tries to go upstairs with a high kick but misses. Avila presses forward and clinches Lobov. Artem shakes him off and lands a nice uppercut. Lobov lands another nice kick. The fighters accidently clash heads and Artem is cut. The doctor takes a look at the cut and says Lobov is good to continue. Chris lands a nice right hand but Lobov fires back and lands a short left. Chris lands a high kick. Lobov eats it and continues to march forward. Another nice leg kick scores for Lobov. 90 seconds remain. Avila lands a leg kick. Lobov slips and Chris winds up on top position. Lobov looks for a leg lock and Avila is forced to give up the position. The fighters stand in the pocket until round three comes to an end.
Lobov defeats Avila via decision
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