UFC 204 Results: Jimi Manuwa KO’s Ovince Saint Preux
A light heavyweight bout between Ovince Saint Preux and Jimi Manuwa took place on tonight’s UFC 204 main card in Manchester, England.

Round one begins and Saint Preux lands a jab to start. Manuwa presses forward and lands back-to-back leg kicks. “OSP” grabs a hold of Jimi and presses him against the cage. The fighters exchange knees from the position. Saint Preux backs off and Manuwa lands a body kick. Jimi slips a punch and presses “OSP” against the cage. The fighters once again trade knees. Manuwa goes upstairs with a knee. They break and Saint Preux chases after Jimi and scores a takedown. “OSP” sinks in one hook and looks to take the back of Manuwa. Jimi remains calm and scrambles back to his feet. He grabs a hold of Saint Preux’s neck and locks in a guillotine choke. “OSP” escapes the submission and quickly transitions taking the back of Manuwa. One minute remains in the opening round. Saint Preux locks in a hook and works some short punches from the top. Elbows to the back from “OSP”. Twenty seconds remain. Manuawa scrambles and gets back to his feet. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and “OSP” lands a jab. Manuwa fires back with right hand. Jimi scores with a hard hook followed by a body kick. Saint Preux shoots in and looks to score a takedown. It is not there. The fighters break and Manuwa lands a hard kick to the bod. He presses forward and lands a leaping left hook. “OSP” misses with a jab but lands a front kick. Manuwa returns fire with a high kick. He goes to the body with a hook. He follows that up with a leg kick. Nice work here from Jimi. he lands a hard jab and then a flying knee. Another body shot and then a right hand from Manuwa. “OSP” is hurt. A huge left hook drops “OSP” and this one is over! WOW!
UFC Results