UFC 207 Results: Cody Garbrandt defeats Dominick Cruz (Highlights)
A bantamweight title fight between current champ Dominick Cruz (22-2 MMA) and surging contender Cody Garbrandt (11-0 MMA) served as the co-main event of tonight’s UFC 207 event in Las Vegas.

Round one begins and Garbrandt charges forward with a punch that misses. Cruz connects with a right. Cody replies with a leg kick and then another. Cruz comes forward and lands a left. The fighters trade leg kicks. Cody misses with a combination. He catches Dominick with a left and then another. Cruz fires back with a hard leg kick. Cruz is bouncing around now. Cody chases after him but misses with an attempted right hand. Cruz connects with a low kick. He catches a leg kick from Cody but cannot score a takedown. Garbrandt with a nice leg kick. Cruz goes upstairs with a head kick but it is blocked. Dominick shoots for a takedown and they scramble back to their feet. Cody with a nice right. Dominick replies with a left and then a right hand. Both men land nice leg kicks. Cody ducks a punch and scores a takedown. Cruz scrambles and gets back up to his feet. Dominick with a leg kick and then misses with a spinning back fist to close out round one.
Round two begins and Cody throws a head kick which is blocked. Cruz lands a nice combination. He bounces around and lands a leg kick. Cody lands a nice combo but Dominick catches him with a left and Cody stumbles. Dominick misses with a leg kick but then presses forward and lands a jab. Another jab lands for Cruz. He scores with a leg kick. Cruz comes forward but Cody catches him with a counter right. Cruz lands another nice leg kick. Cody returns fire with a kick to the body. He throws another kick but Dominick catches it and throws it aside. Cruz with a nice knee. Cody lands a left hook. They return to the center of the octagon and Cruz lands a leg kick. He follows that up with a left jab. Cody goes to the body with a kick and then lands a punch. Cruz fires back with a kick and then a left jab. Cruz with a low kick and Garbrandt replies with aleft and then a body kick. Dominick scores a brief takedown and then throws a flurry to end round two.
LOOK AT THESE TWO GUYS!!!! #UFC207 pic.twitter.com/2gmUwvuTyz
— UFC (@ufc) December 31, 2016
Round three begins and Cody lands a head kick and then a right hand. Another right hand from Cody causes Cruz to stumble. Dominick is bleeding now. He tags Dominick with a right. Cruz pumps his jab. Cody fires back with another right. Cody is talking to him now and mocking him. The crowd is loving this. Cruz goes upstairs with a high kick and then lands a right hand. Cody counters with a right of his own. They meet in the center of the octagon and Cody catches Dominick with a punch and then a knee. He follows that up with a jab. Dominick lands a left and then a leg kick. Cody ducks and avoids a flurry from Cruz. One minute remains in the round. Dominick charges forward with punches but cannot connect. He does land a follow up kick. He lands a leg kick and then a left hand. Round three comes to an end.
OHHHHHHH @Cody_NoLove drops Cruz in the third!!! #UFC207 pic.twitter.com/Z7WDbwzQRB
— UFC (@ufc) December 31, 2016
Round four begins and Dominick has a bad cut that was apparently caused by a head butt. Cruz steps forward and lands a left and then a pair of kicks. Cody misses with a high kick. Cruz is bouncing back and forth. Cody drops him with a punch. Cruz jumps back up and lands a left. He follows that up with a body kick. Both men land nice lefts. These rivals are talking to each other a lot here. Cruz eats a right hand and Cody smiles. Garbradnt with a low kick. Cody is dancing now. Literally. Cruz chases after him but misses with his attempted strikes. An attempted head kick from Cruz misses. Cody lands a hard inside leg kick. Cruz misses with a wild left. Cody drops Dominick again. Cruz gets back up and Cody connects with another combo that sends Cruz down. Cruz gets back up but is hurt. Round four comes to an end.
Pop, lock and drop it @Cody_NoLove #UFC207 pic.twitter.com/LJBYn10cHs
— UFC (@ufc) December 31, 2016
Round five begins and Cody lands a nice kick. Dominick responds with a left and then a right. Cody circles and lands a nice leg kick. Cody presses forward and lands a combo. Dominick replies with a hard right hand. Cruz with a flying knee that partially lands. He likely needs the finish here. He is trying to find Cody but misses with his punches. Dominick lands a leg kick. Cody smiles at him and once again mocks Dominick. Cruz comes forward and lands a left. Cody misses with a spinning back fist attempt. Cruz chases after him and lands a right. He attempts a takedown but it is not there. Both fighters still look fresh. One minute remains now. Cruz is swinging bombs here but nothing is finding a home. Cody ducks under and presses Cruz against the cage. He lands a knee on the break. Cruz continues his forward pressure and lands a hard leg kick. A nice show of respect after.
UFC 207 Results: Cody Garbrandt def. Dominick Cruz
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