UFC Belfast Results: Steven Ray defeats Ross Pearson via split-decision
A lightweight bout between Ross Pearson and Steven Ray served as the co-main event of today’s UFC Fight Night 99 fight card in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Round one begins and Pearson immediately comes forward with pressure. Ray is circling trying to find his range. The fighters exchange low kicks. Ray lands a nice straight left. He circles away and catches Ross with a kick coming in. Pearson with a lot of forward pressure here but Ray is circling well and is landing some nice low kicks on his veteran opponent. Pearson returns fire with a nice low kick of his own. Ray with a beautiful body kick in return. He goes high with a follow up kick. Ross returns fire with a nice body kick. The fighters briefly clinch and Ray lands a knee. They break and Pearson lands a low kick. Steven presses forward and lands a kick to the body. He shoots in and picks Ross up, carries him across the cage and slams him down. Ross bounces back up to his feet and the fighters break. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Pearson quickly advances with forward pressure. Ray connects with a glancing head kick. Pearson eats it and continues to move forward. Steven circles away and misses with a spinning kick. He lands a leg kick and then another. He misses with an attempted body kick. Ross is trying to find a way inside. Ray shoots in and drives Ross against the cage. He begins working some knees up against the cage. The fighters break and Ray lands a body kick. Ross presses forward and lands a knee to the body of Steven. Ray responds with a low kick. Pearson answers with a leg kick of his own. Ross leaps forward with a jab but misses. Another leg kick scores for Ray. Ross returns fire with one of his own followed by a jab. Ray chargers forward and misses with a punch. Ross swings with a wild right that misses. Ray with a low kick. Pearson counters with a nice body shot and then follows that up with a body kick. Ray lands a hard body kick but Ross catches it and tosses him aside. They meet back in the center of the cage and exchange shots. Ray circles away and eats a body kick from Pearson. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and the fighters touch gloves in a show of respect. Ray misses with a front kick. He scores with a follow up leg kick though. Pearson is chasing him down but misses with a wild right. Another leg kick from Ray. Pearson charges forward and lands one of his own. Ray circles away. The fighters exchange low kicks. Ray lands a nice body kick and then circles away. He is utilizing a great game plan here. Ross lands a nice body kick. Ray goes upstairs and partially lands a head kick. Steven with a nice jab and then ducks under a Pearson left hand. Ray with another big low kick and then a jab. Pearson with a left hook. Ray fires back with a low kick. He yells at Ross “let’s go!”. Pearson charges forward and lands a right. Ray misses with a left and eats a knee. 10 seconds remain. Ray lands a low kick. Pearson lands a kick to the body. Round three comes to an end.
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