UFC Fight Night 101 Results: Andrew Holbrook defeats Jake Matthews
A lightweight bout between Jake Matthews and Andrew Holbrook served as the co-main event of UFC Fight Night 101 in Melbourne, Australia.

Round one begins and Holbrook presses forward. Matthews with a right hand. The fighters trade punches. A low kick scores for Matthews. Matthews with a right hand. Matthews grabs a headlock and drags Holbrook to the floor. Matthews goes for the back but he is to high and falls off. Matthews gets up, and they battle against the cage. They break and Matthews lands a right hand. Holbrook counters with a kick to the body. Holbrook shoots inside and gets Matthews to the floor. Holbrook tries for a choke. It is not there. Matthews pops up and gets to this feet. Holbrook with punches to close out the round.
Round two begins and Matthews lands a right. Holbrook presses forward and gets the clinch. Matthews defends against the fence. Holbrook with punches and elbows inside. Matthews lands a right hand and another. Holbrook presses forward. Another right hand from Matthews. He follows that with a takedown that lands. Holbrook attacks the leg. Matthews gets free. He scrambles up to the feet. Matthews drags him back down. Holbrook looks for a leg and then a kimura. Matthews defends. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Matthews lands a knee as Holbrook shoots in. Holbrook eats it and fires a hard low kick. Holbrook with a jumping knee. They exchange punches. Matthews drives for a takedown. Matthews gets top position, Holbrook rolls for a leg. He grabs a toe hold. Matthews br3eks free. Holbrook looks for a straight armlock. It is not there. Matthews breaks free and takes top position. Holbrook with short punches. Matthews tries to strike from the top. Elbows from the bottom. Round three comes to an end.
UFC Results