UFC Fight Night 92 Results: Thales Leites submits Chris Camozzi
A middleweight bout between Chris Camozzi and Thales Leites took place during tonight’s UFC Fight Night 92 main card in Salt Lake City.

Round one begins and Leites shoots in for a takedown. Chris defends and the fighters engage in the clinch. Leites presses Camozzi against the fence and looks to score with a trip. He gets it but Chris pops right back to his feet. Thales drags Camozzi back to the floor and has his back. Leites has one hook in but Chris is back to his feet. Thales is looking to sink in a rear-naked choke. He lands some short shots on Camozzi. Thales now has both hooks in but Chris is still on his feet. Leites locks in a body triangle. He’s working some shots to the head of Camozzi. Chris is in a bad position here but defending well. More short shots from Leites. He takes Chris to the ground and round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Camozzi starts things off with a leg kick. Leites comes forward with a left hook. He shoots in and presses Chris against the cage. Leites scores with a nice single leg takedown. He moves immediately to half guard. Camozzi is able to get back to full guard. Leites moves to side control and is looking for a choke. Chris stands up but Leites takes his back and drags him back to the floor. Thales sinks in a body triangle. Some solid shots from the top by Leites. More big shots from Leites. Camozzi is in total defense mode. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Camozzi comes forward with some big shots that land. Leites shoots in but Chris sinks in a choke. Thales escapes and we are back to the stand up. Thales shoots in and scores another takedown on Camozzi. Leites immediately moves to half guard and begins working some strikes. He takes Chris’ back and begins working for a submission. He sinks in both hooks and attempts a rear-naked choke. Leites locks in a body triangle. He sinks in a rear-naked choke and this one is over.
UFC Results