UFC Fight Night 93 Results: Alexander Gustafsson defeats Jan Blachowicz
A key light heavyweight bout between former title challenger Alexander Gustafsson and Jan Blachowicz served as the co-main event of today’s UFC Fight Night 93 event in Hamburg, Germany.

Round one begins and Blachowicz comes forward with a combo. Gus repsonds with a left hand followed by a legkick. Jan comes forward with punches and one definitely gets through. Alexander has a mark underneath his right eye. Gus ducks under a punch and presses Jan against the cage. Jan breaks free and lands another nice combination lands from Blachowicz. Alex charges forward and pushes Jan against the cage. Knees inside from Gus. Blachowicz breaks free. He lands a stiff jab to the face of Alex. Gustafsson comes forward but eats a knee and then an uppercut. Alexander’s face is busted up. Jan with another nice combination. Gustafsson gets inside and lands a trip. He begins working from the full guard of Blachowicz. One minute remains in the opening round. Jan is looking for an armbar but eats a big elbow. Another good elbow lands for Gus. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Blachowicz lands a nice jab to start. Both men trade some big shots. Gus ducks under and lands a big takedown. He begins working from the full guard of Blachowicz. Alex with some short elbows and Jan attempts an armbar. The submission is not there and Jan eats another elbow. He is bleeding now. Gus advances to half guard but Jan quickly adjusts and gets back to full guard. Short punches and elbows score for Gustafsson. Blachowicz attempts a guillotine choke but Gus is able to break free rather easily. Jan is doing a nice job throwing up submission attempts. Ninety seconds remain in round two. Gus stands up and lands some powerful leg kicks. He dives back in to the guard of Jan before round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Gus lands a low kick to start. Jan presses forward with a right hand and then lands a body kick. Alexander misses with a left but connects with a right. Jan fires back with a right hand and then a body kick. A good jab gets through for Jan. Blachowicz replies with a nice combination. Gustafsson shoots in and scores another takedown. Alex lands some nice short shots from top position. Two minutes remain in the final round. The referee steps in and stands the fighters up. Jan with a leg kick and then a kick to the body. Gustafsson shoots in and lands yet another takedown, this time a single leg. Some nice hammer fists from “The Mauler”. Less than a minute remains. Gustafsson steps over to half guard but it is short-lived as Jan quickly scrambles back to full guard. Round three comes to an end.
UFC Results