UFC Fight Night 93 Results: Nick Hein defeats Tae Hyun Bang
A lightweight bout between Nick Hein and Tae Hyun Bang kicked off today’s UFC Fight Night 93 main card in Hamburg, Germany.

Round one begins and there is a bit of a feeling out process. Bang lands a leg kick to start. The Korean fighter misses with a follow up head kick. Hein attempts a high kick but it misses. He connects with a left hand. Bang presses forward with a combination and lands a right. Hein scores with a beautiful right hand as Bang was coming in and uses the shot to score a takedown. He moves immediately to half guard. Bang scrambles and gets back to his feet. The Korean lands a nice right hands and then a kick to the body. Hein misses with an attempted left hook. Bang presses forward with punches but fails to connect. Round one comes to an end after Hein connects with a body kick.
Round two begins and Bang lands a nice kick to the body and then an overhand right. Hein grabs a hold of his opponent and tries to drag him to the floor. Good job from Bang to keep this fight standing. Some good knees score from Nick. Bang breaks free but eats a right hand. He misses with a wild right hand of his own. Hein charges forward but comes up short with his punches. The German fighter shoots in and scores a nice takedown. Bang doesn’t stay down long however and ends up scoring a beautiful judo throw on Hein. Both men are back to standing and trading now. Bang lands a nice body kick to end round two.
Round three begins and Bang scores with some nice counter punches early. Hein lands a front kick. Both men trade punches. Bang lands a jab. He is applying pressure now. The fighters clash heads and a big cut is opened up over the right eye of Bang. The doctor checks the fighter and allows the contest to continue. Bang is coming forward but eats a left hand from Hein that staggers him. The Korean lands a nice kick to the body. He follows that up with a solid jab. Hein misses with a front kick and then shoots in for a takedown. Bang uses his judo to stay on his feet. Just over a minute remains. Bang lands a nice left hook. He is pressing the action. Both fighters miss with right hands. Bang connects with a left hook. The fighters trade shots as the horn sounds to end round three.
Hein defeats Bang via decision (29-28, 30-28, 30-27)
UFC Results