UFC Fight Night 93 Results: Rustam Khabilov defeats Leandro Silva via decision
A lightweight bout between Rustam Khabilov (20-3 MMA) and Leandro Silva (19-4-1 MMA) kicked off today’s UFC Fight Night 93 event in Hamburg, Germany.

Round one begins and Khabilov starts things off with a front kick. Silva throws a left kick to the body of Rustam that connects. Khabilov is applying the pressure now. Silva is using footwork to keep his distance. The Russian misses with a big overhand right. Khabilov connects with back-to-back legs kicks. Khabilov shoots in for a takedown but it is not there. Rustam shoots in again but Silva stuffs the attempt. Silva presses forward and lands a big left hand. Khabilov is rocked. Silva presses in and scores a takedown and moves immediately to mount. He attempts an armbar but Rustam escapes and winds up on top. Some shots from the top by Khabilov to end round one.
Round two begins and Silva lands a leg kick. Rustam replies with one of his own. Khabilov presses forward with a big combination. Silva uses some nifty head movement to avoid the shots. The fighters exchange shots in the center of the octagon. Silva with a nice left and then a kick to the body. Khabilov replies with a right hand. Silva grabs a hold of Rustam but decides to let go. Khabilov presses forward with a left hand and then scores a nice trip takedown. The Russian is on top and working from full guard. Silva throws up multiple submission attempts but cannot lock up nothing yet. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and the fighters exchange kicks. Another leg kick from Rustam. Silva takes the center of the cage and lands a high kick. Khabilov shoots in and attempts a takedown. He is deep on the shot but Silva displays some incredible takedown defense. The Brazilian lands a crisp jab. Rustam shoots in a presses Silva against the cage. He is working hard for a takedown and after a few adjustments is able to secure it. Silva quickly gets back to his feet and lands two good punches. Rustam shoots in but is easily stuffed. Silva with a kick and then he shoots in for a takedown. Round three comes to an end.
Khabilov defeats Silva via decision (29-28 x 3)
UFC Results