UFC Fight Night 95 Results: Francisco Trinaldo TKO’s Paul Felder
A lightweight bout between Francisco Trinaldo and Paul Felder took place on tonight’s UFC Fight Night 95 main card in Brazil.

Round one begins and Felder presses forward and lands a leg kick. Paul with another solid leg kick that lands. He goes to the body. Trinaldo fires back with a leg kick but Felder returns fire with back-to-back low kicks. Another leg kick scores for Paul and then another. He just misses with a spinning back fist. He presses forward and lands a jab. Trinaldo lands a left hand and then another. He comes forward and lands a knee. The fighters clinch and Trinaldo lands another knee inside. He shoots for a takedown but Paul says no. Francisco has Felder pressed up against the cage. Felder lands some short elbows. He switches the position but Trinaldo quickly puts Paul back against the cage. The fighters break and Felder missing with a spinning high kick. Paul lands a big leg kick and then a push kick. Trinaldo with a nice left. Another high kick from Felder that is blocked. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and the fighters trade kicks to start. They both swing wildly with punches. Felder with a nasty leg kick. Trinaldo fires back with a combo which ends in a hard left hand. Francisco is cut. Paul lands a heavy kick to the body. Paul with a front kick. Francisco shoots in and lands a takedown. He begins working from full guard. Nice short elbows from Trinaldo. Felder is busted up from the shots. Trinaldo moves to half guard. He looks to secure a choke but Paul escapes the attempt. Big elbows from Trinaldo. Paul scrambles and gets back up but Francisco is still riding him. Paul shakes him off and breaks free. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Felder lands a leg kick. Trinaldo fires back with a high kick that partially lands. The fighters exchange kicks. Paul lands a right hand but misses with a high kick. He attempts a spinning high kick but just misses. Trinaldo is jumping back and forth but Felder catches him with an inside knee. Trinaldo with a left hand. Paul’s cut just opened up. It is bad. This one is likely over. The doctor takes a look and this one is done.
UFC Results