UFC Fight Night 96 Results: Shamir Abdurakhimov defeats Walt Harris
A heavyweight bout between Shamir Abdurakhimov and Walt Harris took place during the UFC Fight Night 96 prelims tonight in Portland, Oregon.

Round one begins and Abdurakhimov begins closing the distance. Abdurakhimov is looking to land his right hand. Abdurakhimov ducks under a punch and looks for a takedown but it is not there. Harris with a low kick but it leads to an easy takedown for Abdurakhimov. He quickly advances to side control and fires off and elbow. Harris scrambles back up. He lands a knee on Abdurakhimov. Harris with a nice body kick. An overhand right misses for Abdurakhimov. Harris returns fire with a knee up the middle on another takedown attempt. Harris misses with a straight left and Abdurakhimov grabs the clinch. The fighters break. Harris tries to go high with a kick. A right hand scores for Abdurakhimov. Round one comes to an end.
Harris presses forward to start round two. Harris lands a right hand. The fighters trade jabs and then leg kicks. Abdurakhimov misses with a spin and then appears to take a shot. Harris locks in a headlock and transitions to a guillotine. Abdurakhimov gets free and returns to his feet. Harris misses with a high kick. Abdurakhimov fires back with a combo. He’s working some leg kicks now. Harris fires a knee to the body. Abdurakhimov replies with a spinning backfist, but Harris eats it. Harris with a nice kick inside. He tries it again. Round two comes to an end.
.@TheBigTicket205 finding his range. You guys see this as a close fight through 2 rounds? #UFCPortland https://t.co/weQI521xQB
— UFC (@ufc) October 2, 2016
Round three begins and Harris throws a front kick that misses and then a follow up punch. Abdurakhimov presses forward and the fighters trade hooks. Nice jab from Harris lands flush. Abdurakhimov rushes in but Harris shoves him off. Abdurakhimov lands back to back right hands. Harris blocks the next try and lands a jab. Abdurakhimov shoots in and misses on a takedown attempt. Abdurakhimov lands a short hook. A mouthpiece goes flying as Abdurakhimov presses Harris against the cage. Elbow from Harris and knee up the middle before he escapes. Now Abdurakhimov really pushing for that takedown. He gives one last attempt but the takedown just is not there. This one is over.
UFC Results