UFC Fight Night 98 Results: Enrique Barzola dominates Chris Avila
A featherweight bout between Chris Avila (5-4 MMA) and Enrique Barzola (13-3-1 MMA) kicked off tonight’s UFC Fight Night 98 event in Mexico City.

Round one begins and Barzola scores with a nice combination to start. He shoots in and scores a quick takedown on Avila. Chris is able to scramble right back to hit feet. Nice leg kicks from Barzola. Avila returns fir with a right. Both men exchange nice shots. Barzola gets a hold of Avila and presses him against the fence. He is able to pick Avila up and slam him to the floor. Avila is doing a nice job of preventing Enrique from entering his guard. Eventually Barzola does break through the defense of Avila but Chris again scrambles and gets back to his feet. Barzola just misses with a big right hand. He scores with a body shot and then a body kick. He shoots in and scores a single leg takedown. Barzola with some shots. Avila gets up to his feet. Barzola has him pressed against the cage. He scores with a right and then they break. A big leg kick lands for Enrique. Round one comes to an end.
I mean, is @ElFuerteBarzola going to act like that didn't land? He walked RIGHT THROUGH that up kick! #UFCMexico https://t.co/Nq1CgIE19q
— UFC (@ufc) November 5, 2016
Round two begins and Barzola lands a body kick to start. Avila moves forward but eats a leg kick. Enrique shoos in for a takedown and gets it. He begins working from full guard. A nice right hand lands for Barzola. Avila is able to scramble back up to his feet. Enrique lands a nice leg kick. The fighters trade shots. Another leg kick scores for Enrique. And another. Chris comes forward with a jab but misses and he gets taken down for the fifth time in the fight. Enrique gets on the back of Avila and begins landing some good shots. Big rights from Enrique. He is all over Avila here. Chris scrambles but end up giving up his back again. Chris scoots to the cage and begins to wall walk. A nice knee and then an elbow lands for Barzola. Enrique with a nice right hand followed by a body shot. Avila fires back with a jab. Chris is breathing heavy now. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Barzola misses with a leg kick. Avila comes forward with a pawing jab but he eats a knee to the body and then a punch to the face. Back-to-back leg kicks score for Enrique. He shoots in and scores another takedown. Big shots from the top by Barzola. Chris gets his back against the cage and stands back up. The fighters break and Enrique lands a kick to the body. He follows that up with a leg kick. Avila lands a nice jab but eats a big leg kick. Both men lands lefts. Avila presses forward but Enrique grabs a hold of him and presses him against the cage. They break and Barzola lands a nasty leg kick. Avila with a right. Enrique ducks under and scores another takedown. He begins working some shots and then takes the back of Avila. Chris is able to stand back up but eat some big shots for his troubles. Good shots from the top. Round three comes to an end.
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