UFC Fight Night 98 Results: Marco Polo Reyes defeats Jason Novelli via split-decision
A bout between Marco Polo Reyes and Jason Novelli served as the second fight of tonight’s UFC Fight Night 98 event in Mexico City.

Novelli starts things off with a leg kick. Reyes replies with a right hand. Marco is circling trying to find his way inside. Novelli with another leg kick. Reyes is applying the pressure. He misses with a jab to the body but lands a follow up overhand left. A nice body kick scores for Novelli. He circles away and misses with a right. Reyes misses with a looping left. Novelli shoots in and scores a takedown. Reyes pops right back up to his feet. Novelli retreats but lands an eye poke on Reyes. After a very brief break we are back to the action. Reyes with a leg kick. He presses forward with a combination. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Novelli just misses with a high kick. Reyes responds with one of his own but also fails to connect. He does land a follow up right. A nice combination lands for Reyes. He scores with a nasty leg kick. He is putting the pressure on Novelli. Reyes with another nice kick. Novelli shoots in and attempts a takedown. It is not there. Reyes reverses him and winds up on the ground in top position. Reyes is working from full guard. A nice right hand lands for Marco. He lands a couple more short shots from the top. Reyes lands some hard elbows to close out round two.
Round three begins and the fighters touch gloves and hug to start. Novelli lands a jab. Reyes fires back and Novelli responds with a wheel kick that misses. A nice body kick scores for Reyes. Novelli misses with an elbow but then connects with a shot. Both fighters land jabs. Reyes with a nice body kick and then a big right hand that sends Novelli’s mouth piece flying. The referee steps in and makes Jason put in his mouth guard. We restart and Reyes lands a nice shot to the body. Reyes with a right hand and then a left to the body. Novelli shoots in and scores with a takedown. He quickly moves to mount. Reyes scrambles to half guard. Reyes gives up his back and eats some elbows. Novelli is all over him. The horn sounds to end round three.
UFC Results