UFC Fight Night 98 Results: Tony Ferguson defeats Rafael dos Anjos
A lightweight scrap between former division champion Rafael dos Anjos and surging contender Tony Ferguson served as the main event of tonight’s UFC Fight Night 98 card in Mexico City.

Round one begins and Ferguson opens things up with a leg kick. RDA replies with a solid leg kick of his own. Ferguson tries to go upstairs with a kick but it is blocked. RDA with another big leg kick and another. He shoots in but Ferguson shrugs him off. Tony misses with a jab. Another big leg kicks from dos Anjos. Tony lands a jab. RDA with a huge left hand counter shot. Tony lands an elbow inside. A nice combination from Rafael. Tony circles away. RDA moving forward now. He lands another big left. A huge leg kick drops Tony. That was just nasty. Rafael begins working from full guard. He lands an elbow. Tony stands back up but eats a left hand. RDA with a stiff jab and then a leg kick. Another hard leg kick scores for RDA. Tony fires back with one of his own. RDA is applying pressure now. He just misses with a left. Dos Anjos with a spinning back fist. Tony responds with a leg kick and round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Tony misses with a left. He charges forward with a combo but fails to connect. A nice leg kick scores for Ferguson. And another. RDA fires back with a left hand and a hard leg kick. dos Anjos with a nice combination. Ferguson with an accidental eye poke. Herb Dean calls a stop to the action. RDA says he is ok and we restart. The fighters exchange punches and kicks. Ferguson with the pressure now. He eats a kick but presses forward. A nice jab from Tony finds a home. He follows that up with back-to-back leg kicks. RDA with a leg kick. Tony fires back with one of his own. RDA with a leg kick but he eats a jab. Dos Anjos is bleeding from the nose. Tony is working his jab now. Rafael lands a left hand. He lands a crisp combo. Ferguson lands a hard left. RDA is rocked. He fires back however. A nice combination from Tony scores to end round two.
.@RdosAnjosMMA lands. @TonyFergusonXT lands.
WHAT A ROUND! #UFCMexico https://t.co/sMCRUZfNrl
— UFC (@ufc) November 6, 2016
Round three begins and Tony lands a hard jab to start. He comes forward with a big combo. RDA lands a nice low kick. Two nice jabs land for dos Anjos. Both men trade shots to the body. Tony with an elbow. RDA with a body kick. Ferguson goes low with a kick. Dos Anjos goes upstairs with a kick and then goes low. Ferguson presses forward and lands a jab. He retreats but catches RDA with a combo as the Brazilian comes in. RDA lands a jab. Ferguson replies with an uppercut. Tony is applying forward pressure but eats a left and then another. RDA is finding his range now. He lands a big leg kick. Ferguson misses with a right. He lands a left however. But dos Anjos is looking more confident now. He lands a big kick to the body. Ferguson’s forward pressure is admirable. Another big body kick scores for RDA and then a left hand. He scores with a right. Ferguson lands an uppercut. RDA with a spinning back fist to end round three. What a fight!
Round four begins and the fighters exchange kicks early. Tony with a jab as RDA goes to the body. Dos Anjos with a right hand but Ferguson catches him with a knee. RDA with a big leg kick. Both men trade low kicks. Ferguson lands a jab. RDA fires back with a stiff jab. A nice leg kick scores for RDA and then a combo. Tony eats it and comes forward with punches. He is applying all of the pressure now. RDA is backing up. He finally comes forward and lands a right hand. A big leg kick from RDA but he eats a combo for his troubles. The former champ is busted up. Ferguson goes to the body. RDA counters with a right. Tony comes forward and lands a leg kick. A beautiful combo lands for Ferguson. He shoots in for a takedown. It is stuffed but Tony lands a crisp combo as he returns to his feet. Round four comes to an end.
Round five begins and Ferguson comes forward with pressure almost instantly. He lands a combination. RDA fires back with a right. Tony lands a leg kick. RDA with a nice counter left. Tony eats it and walks forward. Rafael with a nice leg kick. Tony with an uppercut and then a hook. RDA lands a left hand. Tony lands a jab and then a leg kick. Amazing that both men still have all this energy fighting in the fifth round in Mexico. A big kick and then a right land for Ferguson. RDA with a kick but he eats a combo. He rolls out. RDA is all sorts of busted up now. He lands a leg kick however. Ferguson with some brutal leg kicks here. RDA and Ferguson stand and trade. Wow. RDA with a massive leg kick. That was brutal. Dos Anjos goes to the body with a kick. Ferguson replies with a leg kick and then a jab. A final body kick from dos Anjos and this one is over.
UFC Results