UFC on FOX 23 Results: Sam Alvey defeats Nate Marquardt
A middleweight bout between Sam Alvey and Nate Marquardt served as the featured bout of tonight’s UFC on FOX 23 prelims in Denver, Colorado.

Round one begins and Alvey lands a leg kick to start. Nate quickly takes the center of the octagon. He lands a left. Same responds with a low kick. Nate charges in with a right hand and the fighters proceed to battle in the clinch against the cage. Knees inside from Nate. Sam has him pressed against the fence however. Nate switches the position briefly but Sam is quick to jockey back in to the dominant position. Herb Dean steps in and breaks the fighters up. Nate comes forward with a push kick. He follows that up with a chopping low kick. Sam eats it and charges forward with punches. Nate avoids the strikes and circles out. Marquardt misses with a right hand but connects with a left kick to the body of Alvey. The fighters clinch and Alvey lands some knees to close out round one.
Round two begins and Nate misses with a push kick to start. Alvery catches Nate coming in with a left hand. Marquardt circles out and lands a combination. Alvey seems tentative here. Both men showing a lot of respect for the others power. Nate rushes in and pushes Alvey against the cage. The break and Alvey just misses with an uppercut. Sam with a nice right hand that knocks down Nate. Marquardt pops right back up but that has to be a confidence booster for Smiling Sam. Alvey with another nice combination. Nate throws a right hand but is misses. Alvey fires off a hard low kick. He follows that up with a right hand. Nate is bleeding now. Another nice combination from Alvey. Nate charges forward with a right hand to close out round two.
Round three begins and Nate is applying some solid pressure early. He connects with a nice body shot. Alvey comes forward and lands a right followed by an uppercut. Marquardt shoots in and presses Alvey against the cage. He ends up dragging Same to the floor and quickly takes his back. Nate has both hooks locked in. Alvery somehow landing shots from his back. He scrambles and gets back to his feet. Two minutes remain. Alvey with a hard low kick. Nate charges forward with a right but eats an uppercut. The fighters clinch against the cage. Alvey decides to break free and circle out. He lands a hard leg kick on Nate. Marquardt is looking to land a big right but instead eats another hard leg kick from Alvey. Same with a right hand. Both men trade punches as the horn sounds to end round three.
UFC Results